Cows are just Steaks in the Wild

Apr 17, 2007 10:59

I'm so tired and I want this day to be freakin' over.

This weekend was so long. Friday I hit a car. Oh, I forgot to mention that. Hi! I'm Asian! This is why I can't drive! It might be on record as the slowest accident ever. Namely, I idled into a parked car. No damage to any car but my Dad's. On the way to pick him up no less. My mom was having an ADD day that day, so she didn't get mad. In fact, she kind of forgot about it by the time we got to my dad's work. And didn't even take it as a chance to rail on my driving. Which is odd because she usually does. So the next morning I get woken up.

Dad: Let's go to the bookstore. I have to go to the Bank and it's next door.
Me: I kind of have stuff to do, and I'd have to change.
Dad: Fine, but I'm revoking your Nerd Card.
Me: ... I'll change, give me ten minutes.

I'm a sucker. Anyway. So we get there and he goes, 'Oh! By the way, I saw the ding on the car.' So I just sighed, because I'm kind of.. oh a Pathological Liar. So it takes an above-average effort to tell the truth. 'Yeah, I ran into a parked car.' So what does my OMG DON'T EVEN THINK OF SPILLING COFFEE IN MY CAR say? It's fine, because I was bound to hit something eventually, and at least now I'll be scared enough to be careful. ...yeaaah Okay what? And he was serious. So no one's mentioned it since. Except they're like, 'didn't you see it?' I say no, because I wasn't paying attention. And we're walking and he asks me to identify the make and model of a car. I say it's a Camero SS. And we get closer to it, we find out it's not an SS, it's a 67 or something. And that's when he says we're getting glasses today. That and the fender bender. Not the fact I can't see a 42" HDTV and I've been saying for the past 6 months that my sight has gone to shit. But yeah, that's why I got glasses. In case you missed it.

Sunday I blew doing my stupid ß-Thalessemia project. It shouldn't take an hour and a half to input 10 mutations. It shouldn't. That and scattered errands killed that day.

Monday my dad went to get Marcus Smogged. He's a Gross Polluter, but we got something fixed. He takes it to one smog place and they won't even touch the car because it's so bad. Dad thinks the car is a goner and I think the Mechanic's racist because of my poor history with mechanics. Whatever. So my mom finds a Mechanic in Morgan Hill. So we go there and voila! It 'Passes.' I use quotes because since it's still spewing smoke, I think some sneakiness was involved. But I don't care. I hate the smog law anyway. Either way, it ate up my entire day. So it left me the evening to work on my OS project. Since no one else fucking decided to do anything. So I'm working slow, because I'm watching tv and working backwards and doing laundry at the same time. Luckily, the other asian in my group had the same idea but is working from beginning back. So by 11:30, we're actually done. The two other guys? Suck. Anyway. As for the Laundry drama, I have this bad contact allergy to.. let's say for simplicity's sake: Everything. Especially Chemical and Natural things. And heat. And my mom wanted to ride me about forgetting said laundry, even though I didn't and added another dose of fabric softener, when even one full one will make me break out into hives. So now there's two. So I say it's fine, I'll just run the rinse one more time and she gets pissed at me for that. Because I made her put that extra stuff in. Psychically.

Then, I stayed up until 1:15, and woke up at 5 am. I have nothing to turn in today yet I came in and my bag is so heavy it's killing my back.

I want to go home.
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