Who: Trowa Barton [OU] [
acrobatickiller ], anyone who happens by and notices him
Where: outskirts of the battlegrounds
What: Trowa trying to figure out if it's worth/possible to get out of Toshima
When: early evening
Warnings: potential for violence
Trowa wasn't stupid enough to attempt an "escape" from the battlegrounds this early, nor was he of any particular mind to attempt it as long as he was in no real danger. But the outskirts of the battlegrounds were just slightly quieter than the more internal areas, and it was more beneficial for his insular habits.
Everything about this place set him on edge, and he knew he couldn't be the only person aching to get out of the battlegrounds and this city. However, without knowing, really, where or when he was, he supposed he would just have to bide his time, and perhaps strike up an alliance or two.
To do that, though, he was going to need to find someone worth allying with.