(no subject)

May 09, 2009 22:03

Who: Halle Lidner [ singhalle_lujah ], Near [ jailbaitjustice ]
Where: White Magnolia
What: Near + Halle have a little chat about his current status.
When: May 9th
Warnings: Drugs, I suppose?

Near had told her he was depressed- if she was right, and she usually was, him admitting it was a warning sign that something was really very wrong. The first thing Halle had thought of was trying to get him to go outside- but what was there? The bloodshed of Igura, for sure. Nothing that could cheer him up enough to continue living this life. But the second idea was a bit darker- should she even ask? But if it helped him, would it be worth it?

Of course, it would be a simple fix, surrounded by drugs, she could easily find some anti-depressant, see if it worked. Because if anything happened to him, and she hadn't even tried to stop it-

Going outside, Halle had a sufficient amount of cash with her. Coming back inside the White Magnolia, she placed a small bag in her pocket and sighed. It wasn't like Near would ever go and hurt himself? He could try this for a little bit, see what happened. Halle was quiet on the elevator ride back up, ignoring everyone around her, the walk back to Near's room slow. She knocked, and waited, stepping back.


% incomplete, near [ou], halle linder [ou]

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