Hur hur hur. Guess what? Yes. Yes it's me. Yes yes yes yes I'm back with more pic spam. Finally got time to play with them due to the break, so I've been messing around with them. Hm...maybe I should start with some story telling and not just character creation pics this time. Some creation pics to start off, though!
Terra, you awesome, awesome girl. I couldn't find a perfect hair for her, but this was pretty good, I thought.
Made some XIII Sims as well.
Dear person who made those Vanille clothing mods; you are a genius. And for making Lightning's too.
Nao for some story telling. Hehehe.
Cloud decides that it's funny to pour soap in the fountain.
As you can see, he eternally stuffed up the water supply. There's Squall laughing immaturely.
MASSIVE PILLOW FIGHT TO DEATH! -between Cloud and Squall
They so into it that they decide to even take it outside at night:
ZOMG Squall's face!:
Squall decides to buy himself an MP3...never knew he was in...this:
Headbanging, yo?
Aaaaand that's all for now. Too lazy to post any more pics.
I wasted 4 hours of my life on this game yesterday. Ha-ha----.