Move the damn trucks; FF pic spam

Feb 28, 2012 22:05

So...I'm thinking of killing my old blog and trucking myself over to LJ for good.  Why?  
Seriously, LJ offers so much more than other blogging sites and all...and doesn't have a freaking limit (as far as I know) to how much pic spam I want to put on.  Which is a lot.  Trust me.  A lot.

So, right.  As of today, my old blog is going to go down into the pits.  Bang.  Done deal.

Onto another note, I've recently finished playing FFVII.  Good story, but gameplay was a piece of cake.  Seph died so easily I was expecting he'd have like 3 more forms...but instead I get the ending FMV...which was...okay.

Onward to FFVIII now.  So not looking forward to Rinoa.  Hyne, I hate that girl.  Don't ask.  I'm a hardcore CloudxSquall/Cleon shipper, if that adds any meaning to you.

Also...I've been making FF sims.  Woo.  I can't wait until I have time to mess around with them.  I can't do anything yet since I'm busy, though.

Now...picspam time.

Yes Cloud, you are one hot motherfucker.

And here comes Squall in all his glorious clothes.

Jenova family, yeah?  Don't they all just look so chummy...Seph's standing there like a boss.

Here comes the terror named Rinoa.

In her shit coloured yellow dress.  Have I mentioned before that that dress she wears is absolutely hideous?  And I'm not just saying this just so I can bash Rinoa, but really?  The colour and the design both suck crap.  The colour, mostly.  If her skin was any paler she'd probably look like she was naked.  Though I know some people in particular wouldn't complain about that.

Tifa and her boobs.

Aaaand I have more, but I shall save the pic spam until next time.

Also, if you're wondering where I got all the clothes/hair etc. from...mod the sims.  They have it all.  I didn't make anything but the faces, 'cause I don't know squat about modding this kind of content.

ff sims, rinoa bashing, ffvii, blogging, ffviii

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