Printmakers: Renewable resource or endangered species?
I come back from a gathering of thousands of printmakers from around the world to find that my advisor is continuing in his sinister plan to make sure there aren't any around here.
He's managed to drive one of my studio mates from printmaking into painting just so the poor guy won't have to deal with him anymore.
This is the second time this has happened since I've been here. Another friend of mine switched to painting last spring when it became completely impossible to do lithography here. And to avoid my advisor.
This means that in a month, when another of our number graduates, we will have two printmakers in the entire department: me, and the other guy who came in when I did. No new printmakers were admitted this school year. I haven't heard yet if any have been admitted for fall 2009. If no one has, that means that when we graduate next Spring (gods willing) there will be no more graduate printmakers in this department.
This is so many with-sprinkles-on-top flavours of ridiculous.
I mean, if anyone asked me, I'd give them a four-colour-offset-printed brochure about why they shouldn't come here, but still.
(and in case anyone was curious, I came down with the flu a day into my Chicago/Spring Break trip, and ended up spending almost all of break sick. I still managed to drag myself to parts of the conference, and the parts that I was able to go to were awesome.)