Oct 24, 2008 10:28
Dear Republican Party of New Mexico,
First, let me congratulate you. For some reason, I have trouble getting mail. Cards from my parents are returned instead of received, and I haven't gotten issues of the magazines I subscribe to in months. But somehow, every single hate and lie filled invective from you gets through to clog up my post box.
However, in spite of my love of receiving mail, I am going to have to ask you to take me off your mailing list. The thought of trees dying so that you can suggest to me that Obama is a flighty liberal celebrity Muslim terrorist (do you think I forget the idiotic claims from day-to-day?) makes me feel physically ill, as does actually reading your diatribes.
But in the spirit of making lemonade of lemons, I have decided that for every piece of dirt that you continue to send me, I will make a donation of time and/or money to a cause that I do support. Thanks to your efforts, I have given to No to Prop 8 in Califonia, MoveOn.org, the Obama Campaign, Planned Parenthood, and a shelter in South Dakota that helps native women.
Very Sincerely Yours,
A Proud Liberal Feminist Latte-Drinking Buddhist American
not actually about art,
new mexico