Sep 03, 2006 00:51
Dear People,
Knowing that I have been gone for a really long time from the blogging scene, I have finally returned to the city of BLOG!!
This is not a entry of my dying words, rest assured but this is a note to all my friends.
Seems like there are a lot of people who has been trying to read my blog but have found nothing new that I have writen. Thus, before I enter the HTA, i will blog... and after that, i would too as well.
Sorry for the informal and crappy language, but this would be my writing style for now.
All these days i have met people new and old, but there are friends whom i have missed and some i have simply regretably (how do i spell it?)forgotten. There are always people in your life that you would love to live with and keep but there is always this fact that nothing will stay as it will for long, not even if you try, thus the saying goes, people come people go. I have missed my friends really especially the 5 of us who used to hang out and the destinies whose crossed.
Well like i said in the begining, i have changed, people has left and some has returned, whereby old friend's are missed greatly. But the people i have met now are also good friends of mine like Doryfish, Sparrow, Da Ren, Ame, Char, Brendaand even the giant Alg. I am sure you know who you are when you have read this entry.
Now, being Elton is a different matter all together. Attachments to people and matters has gone to a different level. Unattachment has always been my goal in friends but i guess all has changed. I have met people who changed my point of view so much that i regard them as my brothers and sisters, not an indication of how my friendship was from the past but simply of how i have changed. It has not been that i have become attached to people, but i would say i am trying hard to become more sensitive along with the rest of my friends.
Well good luck to all but i would say:
How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
Alexander Pope's poem "Eloisa to Abelard"