➜ hate
➜ warning
➜ neutral
➜ acquaintance
➜ friend
➜ unsure
➜ close
➜ closer
➜ closest
★ Despite only just meeting Sam not too long ago, Quorra trusts him implicitly and cares about him a great deal. Part of it stems from the fact that he's a User and the son of the Creator, that she spent a thousand cycles hearing stories about him, but it's more than that; she genuinely likes him and would gladly do whatever it took to keep him safe, especially since they ended up... not where they were supposed to.
Tron: Legacy •
ruinszen C A S T O R (Z U S E)
★ She hasn't forgotten Castor's betrayal back on the Grid, so Quorra remains slightly on guard around him. The fact that he's another program in these weird woods is a small comfort, and at the moment, they seem to be on the same side. But she still doesn't quite trust him.
Tron: Legacy •
enzused K A T H E R I N E 'K A T' B L E V I N S
★ Having no real conception of the negativity surrounding werewolves, Quorra sees nothing but a friend and User in Kat. She's taken a protective liking to the girl and worries for her well-being. She was the first User Quorra spoke with off the Grid.
original character •
ledfromthepath A A R O N H O T C H N E R
★ A User! Aaron seems a nice guy, and he was very pro-active when it came to figuring out what was going on in the woods. His being a User is a plus, although Quorra doesn't know him very well.
Criminal Minds •
didntblink A D R I A N T E M P L E
★ Initially afraid she'd offended him, Adrian turned out to be a very nice and polite guy. And also another werewolf, but whatever Quorra doesn't care. There's something about Adrian that is friendly and likable.
original character •
votetemple L I A V E D D E R
★ Another werewolf User! One day she'll get the better deets on what this means. But for now Quorra is just curious forever, and although Lia doesn't seem as approachable as others, social boundaries are for non-programs.
original character •
thumbcocked T H E D O C T O R
★ Having first met the Doctor when he asked why she was glowing, she was a little put off when he tried to scan her, or whatever it was. But she's relatively okay around him, if not somewhat guarded against his curiosity. Another User!
Doctor Who •
thatsortofaman NPCs;
★ Currently staying in her castle, Quorra is unsure what to make of the Princess of Storms. She has an amazing library, and she seems nice enough, even helpful, but Quorra can't quite bring herself to lower her guard.
Babylon Wood NPC •
tenoroftheskies M O T H E R O F C R O W S
★ Quorra met the Mother of Crows after first arriving, when she offered to help everyone get out of the Dark Woods. She needed blood payment, however, and since Quorra does not have blood, Sam offered in her stead. Since making it to Tempest's castle, she has not seen the old woman since.
Babylon Wood NPC •
motherofcrows N O M E E
★ description
Babylon Wood NPC •
mynameonit -
★ description
LJ NAME chart code
heeeerelast updated: 7 June 2011
Comment if I've forgotten you!!