I can't even come up with suitably disjointed subject lines any more.

Jun 03, 2013 21:29

I would blow the dust off this account, but I'm afraid it would suffocate me.

Needless to say, I've been sidetracked from Livejournal over the past year. Mostly in the direction of tumblr, but also the direction of sheer laziness and a lack of motivation to keep up with anything, thanks to various personal goings-on. Would that they were exciting enough to relate here. "And then I didn't go to the doctor, again" doesn't make for a very exciting tale, unless you have a very low excitement threshold.

I probably should keep this up to date more, though. One of my old accounts was deleted recently and I'd rather avoid losing the ten years of my life I've recorded here. More than that, my writing has somehow managed to get worse since I stopped, even though I've been dedicating all of my free time to Frith et al. That's something I intend to change with my current plans to completely scrap and rebuild Fall In - or, once again, The City, since I was considering scenes with Adam the other day - but I haven't been able to get myself in the right frame of mind for a long-term project since... January last year? Whenever I finished TWL, and even that started as odd scraps stuck together in an odd sort of patchwork.

Now I've started looking at old entries.
"I have decided that, when I've learnt to drive and when I can afford a car, it's going to be green and named Carbug."
Sorry, Past Me. Future You drives a light purple car named Sybil. She's fantastic, though. If abnormally attracted to the North Devon Link Road.

Sadly, the magic of saying "I can't find X anywhere online!" making X appear online isn't working. Damn you, history. If you hadn't happened, I wouldn't have half so much research to do for these projects, although I suppose said projects probably wouldn't exist, either.

As a point of interest, in what may well end up being the last thing I ever post to LJ, I asked 'Sweetums' and Sidney which name they found least objectionable out of Bertram and Percival. Bertram won. Should I ever have a son, I will remember this.
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