No, we're not dead yet. XD But claiming communities are only as active as the amount of people in them. Sadly.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the following people do have extra claims.
kirchu - 1 Claim
chibitsunade - 2 Claims
bonafide_nocta - 1 Claim
fun_disaster - 2 Claims
theerokappa - 2 Claims
You're not in trouble or anything, I just wanna keep track of things. You may post your claims on this post if you want. :D
If you guys have any ideas for contests, feel free to post here as well!
And by the way,
genbensymphonia is in need of characters, seriously. We really need main characters like Lloyd and Zelos, if you or someone you know are into roleplaying and Tales of Symphonia, send them this way! ^__^