What a great night's sleep. The mattress is so firm and supportive compared to the old, worn-out one. The biggest difference between old bed and new bed is the height. The old bed, you could just sort of flop down into, but this one you almost need to climb up into it. The mattress guys took away the old one (good riddance!), and Frank took apart the old bed and brought it to Goodwill along with 3 bags of clothes I don't/won't/can't wear anymore, 2 bags of extra hangers, and a box of miscellaneous crap. I love getting rid of stuff!
I got my pedicure last night. My toenails are a nice, pretty opalescent pink, but I wish I'd chosen a brighter color. It's sometimes hard to tell what the color will be by looking at the bottle. They look very nice, just not as eye-catching as the last one I got. I got an eyebrow wax, too, and I think the guy might have gone a little overboard. Oh, well, they'll grow in. Every time I get them waxed, I think now that I have a nice clean shape, I will keep up with the tweezing, and not have to go through this for awhile. But I hate tweezing, so I always end up not doing it.
Tonight I will start packing. This way I don't have to do it all the night before, since No Kidding is having dinner at
Dish that night. I wouldn't want to turn down a chance to eat at Dish!
Day after tomorrow....this time Saturday the ship should be just starting to move.