LJ Maintenance

Mar 20, 2013 11:58

I finally got around to going through my friends/communities list, did some decluttering, and removed myself from the majority of communities I had joined, including many that are about decluttering! I found that almost all the communities fell into one of two categories: A) a topic that I am no longer interested in or B) haven’t been active in years. In fact, I found several comms that haven’t been active in many, many years, so even when I was more present on LJ 2 or 3 years ago, they had already become ghost towns.

I did find a few new (well, new to me…I’m sure they’ve all been around for years) communities to join that seem interesting, and have posts that are dated from 2013, so that means they haven’t been completely abandoned.

As far as personal journals, the only ones I removed from my friends list were cases of A) the journal no longer exists (duh!), or B) the person has removed me from their own friends list (you can tell by whether there are 2 arrows, or just one). So, this still leaves a lot of friends, but not a lot of people actively using LJ anymore. I decided to leave everyone else on, just in case anyone comes back and start updating again. Sadly, a lot of these people I don’t even remember who they are or why I am friends with them. Mostly likely they are people I met through one of the communities and they seemed cool so I friended them. A small number of these LJ friendships did carry over to Facebook, but most of them did not.

Next up…update my interests list and user icons!

livejournal, friends

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