Nov 25, 2010 18:15
With the premier of Peter Mandelson's documentary, creatively named Peter Mandelson: The Real PM?, one's sense of irony is never more exercised as by several scenes within it.
If I recall correctly, Mandelson referred to George Osborne as a "weak link' and "He will never be a strong chancellor". Equally Peter Mandelson once claimed to never be able to work for the coalition as he was too "tribal".
And yet here we are, with Mandelson hinting not too subtly that he would accept a job with the coalition, as an ambassador. Has no one ever explained the concept of dignified retirement to Mandelson? His own party have relegated him to the retirement home, perhaps he should accept defeat and slope off into whatever dark hole he came from with what little dignity he retains?
But what stands in the way of the Dark Lord's return to frontline politics and power? Just the inexperienced weak link, Boy George Osborne who would never be a strong chancellor.
Oh, the irony. The once powerful, all-knowing Prince of Darkness reduced to grovelling to, and hoping that, the very man he once tried to destroy will step aside and allow him to return to the hallways of power.
Fat chance, or as the Guardian so succintly put it: "But any job is only ever likely to be offered over George's dead body."
And something tells me that George isn't about to pop his clogs anytime soon, physically or politicially. Perhaps now Mandelson might understand why Cameron kept George on all these years, despite gaffe after gaffe, and like the rest of Labour, rue the day he underestimated the Chancellor.
After all, it was Nigel Lawson who said a politician should appear stupider than they really are. It's an art George perfected, but now the gloves are off for good, and Mandelson had better get used to that.
I personally would like to see Mandelson get a job, just to see him forced to defer to George, the very man he, and most of the country, wrote off as "inexperienced", a "weak link" and "economically illiterate". Only time will tell if George's plans work, but if they do, I can barely wait to see the looks on certain Labourites' faces as the very man they taunted and humiliated politically destroys them.
George Osborne could very well be the beginning of the end for Labour...
peter mandelson,
george osborne