((Intro to Azraphale Sunsong))

Nov 09, 2010 13:06

((Guys, meet Az. He's old(ish) and mellow, prone to smiling and singing to himself, loves tea and games, and has a giant squishy soft spot for lost children of any age. Hell, now that I think about it, he IS one giant squishy soft spot.))

I suppose since I've had to come out of my semi-retirement, I should begin keeping a journal, to help keep the days and my thoughts in some semblance of order. That'll be nice change for an absent-minded old man, eh?

They've sent me back to the beginning, as it were, and I'm training with raw recruits a fraction of my age. Which is no bad thing, really. I'm afraid I've gone a bit soft in the last few years, and it never hurts to get a refresher. I think it helps the young people, too, to see someone my age taking the usual nonsense from instructors decades my junior. Makes the recruits laugh, steadies them, and takes their minds off what might be waiting for them out in the wider world. And what's waiting may be dire indeed, if what I've been hearing is true and not the panicked exaggeration of a populace that's seen too much of war in so short a time.

While taking a small breather from my allotted task yesterday, I met the most curious young man. A Forsaken, which was a little out-of-place for the area, but as they are our new allies, I did not think too much of it. No, what was strange was that this young man, this Adairen Darkdawn, is... was half-elven. Blame an old man's curiosity, but I asked him many questions I'm afraid were rather nosy. I don't think anyone had shown much interest in young Adairen in a very long time, as once he started talking the words just kept coming for a very long time. He's entrusted me with an errand, one I think will be quite difficult more ways than one.

All this writing has given me need for a good cup of tea. Perhaps jasmine, to help me think.


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