Aug 17, 2011 23:19

I will say this, some of you people don't just harbor a grudge, you put it up in dry-dock to lovingly scrape every single barnacle off the hull before doing a full interior refit ( Read more... )

ooc, tory's got his panties in a twist

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thierrybelleaux August 18 2011, 05:00:03 UTC
I've made my thoughts on the matter known to folks involved but otherwise I elect to stay out of it. So, y'know, no arguments here. My friend is always telling me "WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET" and he's generally right.


sebrawyn August 18 2011, 07:11:43 UTC
I'm with Thierry, trying to stay out of it. But I would like to impress upon people that we are all individuals here and we're not a hive mind. We all have our own opinions and our own separate thoughts and a guild is made of of just that - individuals. I think, as a group of adults, everyone can play a part in restoring civility to TBDF.


torydusksinger August 18 2011, 12:27:38 UTC
Of course, and agreed on all points. The word "All" in this case was addressing individuals on both sides of this never-ending junior-high grudgefest, without naming names. Most of the involved parties aren't on my FL, but a couple are and I'm just... really hoping at least one of them is listening.


trackerceirin August 18 2011, 21:07:15 UTC
Fairly sure I'm one of the only others on your FL who's on the 'other side' of this, so. Hi, and if I'm mistaken there, my bad. That said!

I am trying to leave it dropped. I don't comment on it in public internet places. I don't respond to the emoted passive-aggressive glaring and dirty looks. The IC responses Cei -has- given to the whole thing were in response to arguments going on pretty much right next to her, and hey, she's exasperated with all of the IC business too. As you've said you've stopped going to the Kodo, I can only assume you're unaware of what -exactly- has gone on and I'd just like to make it clear I'm not trying to continue to be a part of the whole thing or instigating any of the arguments/drama/etc. Considering prior drama I can understand the assumption that I'd be involved any further than 'happened to be there at the time', so yes. I'm just as tired of it being an ongoing thing and felt the need to clear the air a bit on that particular point, whether directed at me or no.


torydusksinger August 19 2011, 01:31:46 UTC
You weren't one of the people I had in mind when I wrote that, actually. Sorry if it seemed that way ( ... )


blindmachine August 19 2011, 19:55:58 UTC
Often the case with bullies themselves is that they feel they have no control in their own lives and they group together in gaggles so that they have the numbers to back their play when they attempt to control the emotions and lives of others. Bullies tend to have very low self esteem and suffer from depression. Bullying others gives them a temporary rise of power and makes them feel good by brining others down to their level of suffering, or lower. Having a posse backing their play only justifies their behavior and makes it seem as if their behavior is not aberrant.

Just a bit of science on the study of bullying from my reading and knowledge on the subject as a mental health worker.


torydusksinger August 20 2011, 02:24:34 UTC
Upon further reflection, I've decided to be bluntly honest here. If you were really tired of this moronic, juvenile grudgefest, you wouldn't let it go on. You would tell your buddies to quit messing with the bottle, (and oh my sweet lord, all this over a virtual, fictitious bottle of booze. Are you freaking serious?) you wouldn't react to "arguments going on pretty much right next to her."

You were, and are, a major catalyst in starting off this crap. Yes, Sil is annoying, clingy, loud, attention-hungry and so socially tone-deaf it's unreal. You have an ignore button, too.

It's time for everyone, including Silvyn, to stop acting like it's the middle school lunch room. It's time to consider all the other people this stupidity is hurting. In short, it's time to act like adults and not angst-ridden, self-centered, drama-mongering teenagers.


torydusksinger August 20 2011, 02:12:51 UTC
Made your thoughts known, or just nodded along with whatever the head bully said because you didn't want her switching her focus to you? She's a sad, angry little person who gets her jollies out of controlling others. You only reinforce it by backing her up and never saying "Hey, it's getting old, knock it off."

I used to like you, Thie. I actually used to consider you something like a friend. You're a talented artist, and I really enjoyed the interaction between our characters, hell, some of the most fun I've had was with Lottee. But I can't be friends with someone who packs up on someone(no matter how annoying they are), or just as bad, stands there and lets it happen. For a whole YEAR. The entire time I've been on TB this has been going on. It's time for it to stop.


thierrybelleaux August 20 2011, 05:13:02 UTC
Tor, I made a decision early on-- to stay out of it. That's what I stuck with. I don't take sides because I think BOTH sides are being crazy dumb and childish about it. I'm not okay with how either of them are handling things, and I think it's equally nasty and presumptuous to assume that my silence means I've taken a side. This isn't some grave injustice in my eyes-- it's a petty squabble on the internet that one side refuses to let go because they take IC actions too seriously, and the other side uses to bait them because they're being cruel and it's safe to be a jerk on the internet ( ... )


torydusksinger August 22 2011, 14:16:40 UTC
Both sides ARE being dumb and childish, and believe me, I'm just as ready to kip Silvyn overboard as I am the rest of you, to continue the nautical metaphor. She could be doing her part to end this too, and she's not. She chooses to let the bullying get under her skin, she chooses to let the jerks dictate her actions, no matter how many times I tell her that that's exactly what they want. No one is blameless here, not even me. I could have done this a long time ago, but I was too chicken to actually speak up. But it's not like I really have any friends here, so I really have nothing to lose by kicking over these traces ( ... )


thierrybelleaux August 22 2011, 21:08:33 UTC
Tor, from what I've been told, this sort of drama happens on every single stinkin' RP server. People have left WrA and MG and come to TB because a drama bomb exploded and they were tired of dealing with it. Guilds have risen and fallen because of one or two people that didn't want to let go of a stupid fight. That being said, TB has always had its fair share of drama and cliques and no matter what we do it will continue on in that fashion ( ... )


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