
Jan 14, 2011 09:03

Went back to the Kodo for the first time since... a really long while last night. Doc was there, and apparently in a good mood. I didn't know there were so many shape-shifting potions. Can't decide if I liked the deep-sea diver gnome or the giant troll better.

Fun got spoiled kind of quick though, by some blood knight with a chip on his shoulderplate the size of that ugly damn goblin face in Azshara. Zeneeder? Zoolander? Something like that. Started off picking on Damiren, and Light love him, Damir gave it right back. I was kind of proud of him. Then I guess the scarred-up prick decided Soldier Boy wasn't being fun enough and thought Sil and Eumie might be more entertaining. Eumie, she was amazing. I would have been frothing at the mouth and yelling every curse word in every language I know, but she just stayed cool and looked him in the eye and gave as good as she got. Sil's got himself a real treasure there, but I'm pretty sure he knows that.

I've always looked up to the paladins. Wanted to be one when I was a kid, follow in Mum's footsteps. Be a righteous healer and protector of the weak and the sick, upholding the ways of the Light and maybe leaving the world a little bit better place when I die. Seeing one of them picking fights in a bar using the same kind of bullshit tricks I remember the other kids using on me when I was little, trying to get me to throw the first punch...

Guess I don't have any more illusions there. At least Dam is all right, and little Thierry, and even Tendaros, when he's... lucid. Poor crazy Ten. I sometimes wonder what he's gone through to make him that way, then decide I REALLY don't want to know. Wonder why he's got more marks on his face now than I remember there being? Probably better off not knowing that, either. Too nosy for my own good, me.

Sil and Eumie left after that. I thought they'd want some time together, but Sil asked me to join them. It worked out all right, meant I got to give Eum the gift I made. Damn, forgot to tell them about the enchantment Kori put on it. Pretty brilliant little piece of magic, I have to say. It'll be a godsend when the little nipper starts teething. Got to talking with this other elf while I was smelting the silver for the rattle. He's an odd duck. Warrior type, my age, maybe even a little older, but so... clueless about... certain things. As pretty as he is, I'd be delighted to enlighten him, but my usual flirting just seems to confuse him. A lot.

I was VERY GOOD and didn't explain what "blow me" meant. See how good I'm being?

All for the better, anyway. It's too soon for me to

Vel seems to be doing well. Apparently she's got an admirer, and I fulfilled my duty as a brat and teased her about it. She's adorable when she blushes and pretends to be deaf.

Guess she hasn't seen Tyr around lately. She thinks we're still ((scribbles))

She didn't mean anything by it. Couldn't know how much it

tory, eumie, tory's got his panties in a twist, silvyn

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