
Dec 22, 2010 16:41

One of the grunts in Grom' Gol has seen Tori recently. Apparently, my brother has gotten himself adopted by a troll and has been running around the jungle in little more than body paint and a loincloth, happy as a clam and answering to a different name.

Now I have a difficult decision to make. Do I leave him there, innocent and happy, or do I go find him and take him back to our complicated, heartache-ridden world? And do I have the right to make either decision for him? I want my brother back, but I know that he's got nothing but heartbreak waiting for him once he realizes the man who was supposed to be in love with him didn't care he was gone.

Hitoh met me in Booty Bay, to help me figure out what to do about Torael, and to lend assistance in finding him. He had a little white kitten tucked into his shirt, the same kitten that's even now trying to eat my quill. I can't bring myself to reprimand her, as it seems little Bereth has quite stolen my heart. Only fitting, I suppose.

He asked me to go exploring in Gilneas with him, I suspect as a way to cheer me up. It's all remarkably intact, except, of course, for the parts bombed into blighted rubble by Sylvanas. The cathedral is almost untouched, the stained-glass windows uncracked. I'm certain there's some sort of enchantment on those windows, as the sun hadn't even risen and it was pouring down rain, and yet the widows glow as if it's noon on Midsummer's Day outside.

There's a window in the big manor house that glows in a similar fashion, only in an oceanic blue instead of the reds and golds of the cathedral. I wonder what would go into such an enchantment that only the church and the very wealthy could afford it? If it were only in the cathedral, I'd say that perhaps it's a holy spell of some kind, maybe a blessing?

We haven't gotten past the manor house yet... Hitoh's insistence that I take some time to dry out from the constant rain led to some mind-blowing distractions. Yes, I could have just dried my clothing with a very weak molten armor spell like I usually do, but really, where's the fun in that? He's got me tucked up in one of the beds now, and he's sitting by the fireplace, watching me as I write this (and trying to keep Bereth out of my inkwell) with the oddest little smile on his face. I know he's keeping watch, just in case, but I wonder what it would take to get him out of that chair and over here?

rhui, hitoh, playing with fire, kori

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