Title: The Hollow
Author: Toryavi (one half of it)
Pairing: Tora/Miyavi (to be)
Rating: PG-13. (R in the future)
Warnings: Psychological disorders and institutions.
Disclaimer: The people belong to themselves, the story and plot belongs to me.
Summary: Sometimes, everyone needs a little crazy in their life.
Notes: I promise it'll get less
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Anyways, I'm really glad you like the plot and the characterization. I tried to keep them true to who they were but then added my own twist. I'm hoping that being a psychology major in college right now is helping with the disorders since it's what I specialize in. It's not to say they're 100% accurate since I haven't actually worked with anyone with these disorders, but I'm trying ^^;
Everything is going to start coming together in the next couple of chapters (meaning they'll probably be pretty long one >>; ) but I'm going to start slowly revealing things. I feel like I've kept everyone in the dark for long enough now XD
As for my writing style, I picked it up when I was still in high school, my AP english teacher was a firm believer of being as concise as possible and if it a paragraph could be said in three sentences, do it. So I try to keep things to the point as I can, but I think I still sometimes go off into way too much detail.
All in all, thank you so very much for this comment, it really meant a lot to me. The next chapter should be up by tomorrow, I think, so you won't have to wait long for the next one!
And no problem, I'm glad that my comment is liked! I usually want to say something else to writers than just "wow I loved it!!! plz continue!!" 'cause I write, too, and I know how annoying those comments sometimes are, since they usually don't tell very much about how was the fic. So I like to write a little longer comments, 'cause for me it's always very nice when someone has said a little more than just "it's amazing! continue!" :3
Well, what else can I say but that I'm looking for the next chapter with enthousiasm!
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