All is good right now.
Well pretty much anyway.
Exams are nearly over.
Bring on the ten week summer.
France on the 27th June.
Cornwall on 26th July.
Good times baby.
3 exams left.
Todays exam, wasnt too good.
But I had a 'crack cookie' beforehand.
So i just laughed instead of cried afterwards.
(there was no crack involved just btw. Just a whole lot of sugar.)
Prom in...OMG exactly one month.
Can't wait.
Got my gorgeous shoes on now.
Feel like a superstar in them.
Even if I am wearing them with camoflauge pants and an orange vest.
France is going to be amazing.
place i'm staying is like out of a romance novel.
Shame theres nobody my age going.
But thats ok, I generally get on with adults better anyway.
Thats probably why my daddy says I'll marry someone older.
Talking to my parents earlier about what I want to do after uni.
Definatly getting myself out of England.
Off to America hopefully.
Parents still think I should be a teacher.
But I'm worried the pay isn't good.
My dream is being a music, fashion or travel journalist.
It would be perfect.
They are my three favourite things.
*cue singing*
those are a few of my favourite things!
*end of singing*
Everything is going smoothly right now.
Happy as Larry.
Who is Larry anyway?
Also, who the hell are Tom, Dick & Harry.
I don't want those perverts peeping through my curtains tyvm.
So anyway.
Happy Toria.
Counting down to summer.
Still unsure of what to do with my hair.
Blonde or Brunette?
No matter what I do, i'm gonna have crazy colours put in.
Good times baby.
Good times.