Another sorry about lacks of updates

Sep 01, 2008 22:04

I tuned into Lily Allen's myspace today, and I was listening to one of her new songs, some of the lyrics are as follows:
I'll take off my clothes and it will be shameless, 'cause everybody knows that's how you get famous
I thought those lyrics were very appropriate for the state of celebrity today, as it seems that you don't have to do anything intelligent or worthy to be famous, just wear very little clothes and parade around the streets, or take inappropriate pictures of yourself, and bam, you're famous.
It's a sad state of affairs when people who actually deserve to be recognised, are passed off, just because they dress normally, well, if you can say that jeans and a t-shirt or smart clothes are normal now, because the majority of people are dressing like the new brand of celebrities, and it's so worrying that children are seeing these people as role models, if I was a mother, I certainly would not want my children to be seeing these barely dressed women (and shirtless men) as role models. It would be so much better if things were how they used to be, with major role models in a child's life being their Mother or Grandmother.
I will try not to sound like the many other people who blame the media for the downfall of the young generation, because it is not the media fully to blame, - yes they may make everything worse by focusing news on celebrities, branding them as either 'too fat' or 'anorexic' - parents are to blame too, if they started bringing up their children properly, and not caving in to rediculous requests such as an eight year old wanting a fake tan or highlighted hair, maybe young girls wouldn't want to grow up so fast. I know that when I was young, I didn't even consider wearing a full face of make-up or getting a tan, let alone highlighting my hair. Yes I highlight my hair now, but I'm nearly seventeen, I first dyed my hair when I was 12, an age which looking back now, still seems too young, but my parents would never let me do anything that they thought was inappropriate.
My parents brought me up brilliantly, I respect the little things, and I understand how important money is, I refuse to take things for granted, as I know my parents have worked hard all of their lives, and given me the best upbringing that they possibly could. I only hope that when I become a parent, I can do as good of a job as my parents did, because even though sometimes I used to (and still sometimes do) think they were (/are) being harsh, I know it was just for my good.
This summer, an unexpected thing happened, my best friend won tickets to a music festival and invited me to go with her, and we had the opportunity to camp there. I thought my parents would never let me, in all honesty I thought my Dad would be the one to say no, but in actual fact, he said yes without hesitation, because 'I needed to have some freedom', I respect him greatly for letting me go without hesitation, however, for the whole weekend I was away, my Mum was worried, because in her mind (and I know in my Dad's too), I'm her little girl, and she just worries that I'll get hurt. The festival was brilliant, but in the back of my mind, I still wonder wether it was the right time for my parents to let me camp at such a massive event.

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