Ok so they dont have anything short of a calendar to figure out the last time I updated.

Mar 24, 2005 21:39

ok holy shit its been a really really really long time since ive even touched my own account on live journal. well lets see where to begin...

um school is cool. im taking 4 classes: speech, CINS, Environmental Science and Health. My speech teacher is a joke by the way. Both her and my CINS teacher both seem like they have never taught a class before in their lives. I got a promotion at my job. Im still at Sams Club. Now i work at the membership desk, so in short i can be an ass to customers and get paid more for it. SCORE!

Maren and I are doing great. Its almost been a year since we started dating. She comes down here whenever she can and when she cant i try to go up there. Its just hard cuz i have school at work to balance and im not too fond of playing 20 questions with marens mom everytime i go there. Ill take it if its the only way i can see her though.

Brents got this new girlfriend Diane who is just the biggest ray of sunshine(EXTREME SARCASM). I cant stand being around her cuz she just makes whatever room she is in depressing as all hell. I mean really its a skill cuz it takes less than 10 mins for it to happen. She drives like a pyscho and almost killed maren and myself on st. patricks day and she wasnt even drinking. As a result of this fat thing showing up brent has regressed to his naturally and annoying angry self who is perfectly content with being stuck in a rut and unmotivated. The only good thing out of their relationship is that sean, pat and myself are talking alot more. I wouldve said that the good news was the brent stopped bitching but now hes just found something new to bitch about.

i miss skating with steve whenever we felt like it. ive been out skating recently and i realize ive regressesed hardcore. I figure since its getting warmer out i can go out more and practice again. im hoping to head up there soon to go hang out with him and matt too. i finally saw laurel the other day and it was fun to hang out with her for a bit and meet her roomate and their friends. i hope to do that a lot more soon.

im hoping to get an apartment soon hopefully with maren, sean and possibly brent. however brent really needs to try to get his shit together before i committ to any place with him. he has been fighting too much with his work and he is doing things that will prevent him from getting a real job. one that is reliable and wont try to kill him. but again thats his choice. i refuse to get involved in any of his business any more. ever time i try to help him, he always ends up screwing me over and then expecting me to help him again and i cant handle it any more. he refuses to do any work in school so hes failing out of there just like high school with one exception, im not helping him any more. him and his family constantly fight normally cuz he starts it with his mom or his sister for god knows why and then expects everyone to feel sorry for him and the act has dried out. im just glad to know that im not the only one who feels this way.

well ive grown board with this site for now so later.