Apr 15, 2004 21:46
So how has my Spring Break been? Absolutely smashing! :D
Okay. So... on... Monday! Mary, Mary, Arielle and Kelly came over to my house. And we walked up Ezra's street on a search for his house. And what'd'ya know, there he goes, driving down the street. Lol, I hope he didn't see us. That'd be creepy. "Caring is creepy." Haha, while walking further, we saw Donnies house. Not a big deal, until Kelly and Mary started walking up the lawn to stand on his porch(why, I don't really know) and him and his dad suddenly waltzed outside as we ran away. We finally just laid on some random persons lawn(don't worry, they weren't home) and talked to Stefani on the cellphone, and talked of strange things. Then we called Shane(a friend from Washington) and rolled around the grass, trying to talk to him but the phone kept going out of service lol. Then we walked over to the Water District, and sat on this wall, where we called Robert. And Kelly talked to him for like 15 minutes, until he finally said, "My appendix just broke! I gotta go the hospital, bye!" Haha, lame excuse to get off the phone. A few minutes later, these older guys drove by, and said they wanted our phone number(our meaning one of us, they just didn't specify who) and Kelly was going to flash them but it was broad daylight so she decided not to. Then, Mary Wilson had to go home. And that made me sad, cause Mary's cool :D I luff yoo Mary! So then, Kelly called Luke, and had me talk for a second. Right away he went, "Is this Sarah Carlisle?" Lol is my voice THAT recognizable? We walked over to his house, and he said he could see us from his house, so we kinda waved at it even though we couldn't see him. Then we got hit on by random middle-schoolers. And then, we went back to my house.
After arguing with parents for forever, we finally got to sleep over at Arielles. And there, we played Nintendo 64 games, and it felt like old times with Johnny and Casey :D Oh how I miss those troublemakers! We ended up staying up until like 4, talking about things that bothered us and odd inside jokes, and there was much giggling. The next morning, Kelly's mom picked Kel and I up, dropped Kelly off at her aunt Cindys and took me home. And then... I talked to Mary online and got her to download Rilo Kiley songs for me to put on a CD. I love her soooo much for that!
On Wednesday(yesterday) we(Kelly, MaryRose, Arielle and I) went to Disneyland! And it was one of the best days of my life! Okay... where to begin! Oh! Yes. Part of the reason I was so excited to go was to see Paul(for those of you totally oblivious, I've liked him for like 2 months now) and we saw him working at the Hungry Bear! And he looked cute in his uniform :D Kelly agrees with me, which is why she very stealthily(hah, right) went over to get BARBEQUE SAUCE. For some strange reason, seeing him made me happy, like ALL day! :D I would've said hi, but he was behind this wall-type-thingy and I'm way too shy... Yes. WAAAAAY too shy. Anyyyyyyyways. Rambling on here, we rode lots of rides(like Indiana Jones, where I kept reaching out to him and screaming, "MY LOVER!!!") and while Arielle and Mary were in line for the Matterhorn, which we thought would take hours, Kelly and I went to follow this group of 6 boys, one of which had waved at Kelly. So we stalked them, and when we would move away, they'd follow us. Haha, it was so great. One of them had a lip-ring, and looked like Dustin. Except that he was probably 18. Kelly and I have a problem with liking older guys. Lol oh well. While waiting for them at the foot of the stairs, we realized that they had left the ride(this giant spinning tech-filled room called Interventions or something strange like that) and we followed them out, to find them getting FastPasses for... bumbumbum. STARWARS TOURS! Now remember kiddies, I've never seen any of the StarWars movies except Episode One and The E-wok Adventure, which I don't think really counts lol. And I wanted to go on it, cause it seemed dorky. And I'm a dork. But we decided it'd be best to go back to find Arielle and Mary first. On the way back, we saw this emo boy, that was hot. And I'm a sucker for emo boys lol. And when we got back to the line, they were gone. So Kelly and I circled the mountain thing like 3 times looking for them, when, SHAZZAM! There they are, walking towards us in front of the emo boy! I remember Kelly saying that she missed the 6 boys, and wanted to see them again. It was sad. So after meeting up with them, we went on some ride(I don't remember the order of things) but yeah. I remember we went on the carousel, cause carousels are just cool, and then on Snow White, some other ride, and Mr. Toads Wild Ride! I love Mr. Toads Wild Ride! It's always been my favorite since I was a little kid. Afterwards, we were all pondering why we ended up in hell at the end. Ooo! Then we went on the tea-cups, cause they're the shizzle. In line, we saw yet another emo-boy, who looked a lot like Harry Potter. So Kelly kept saying, "I want Harry Potters autograph!" and he kept staring at us funny. After the ride ended, and we lost him, I said that I wished I could see him again. And we turned around, and there were the 6 boys! Kelly had gotten her wish! But these really preppy girls came up to them, and that was just upsetting. Um... somehow Kelly and Mary got into a fight, and the group kinda seperated, but was still together. While walking along, we saw one of the workers with a flashing sign that said, "Free hugs!" so Kelly and I gave him a hug! And it was special. I was sad because we wanted a brownie, and the Hungry Bear was closed :( Paul had gone bye-bye. ::Cries:: So we went to this candy shop and got a Butterfinger brownie. And it was yummy, and addicting. While walking back to the statue of Mickey and Walt Disney holding hands, we saw a kid about our age in a wheelchair. And he was laughing and swinging his legs while his friends pushed him, so we figured he wasn't handicapped. And he kept racing down hills, screaming, "Oh my God! The breaks don't work!" and screeching to a halt in front of people. So Kelly and I were hysterically laughing and he came over and said he liked my necklace(yeah, Kelly and I bought matching chokers with skulls on them and I got a Nightmare Before Christmas lunch pail, because I HAD to have it!) and we were talking to him for a while, and convinced him to attempt to run into Arielle and Mary, who were in front of us, and Arielle screamed and it was funny. And then he ran into a curb and fell out(on purpose) and Kelly and I were laughing saying it was just like Jackass. The funny thing was, people actually were like, "Oh dear! Are you alright?!" So ater we got our stuff from the locker, Arielle and Mary went to sit by the statue, and Kelly and I walked arm-in-arm around Tomorrowland, to kill some time and talk about stuff. I'd be lost without Kelly, I really would. Once we were back at the statue, this guy walked by and asked if we were having a good time, and we said yes, and I dunno. It was strange. I suppose it was because we were exhausted and looked like bums lying in a planter. On the way back to the car, Kelly and I were talking about the Harry Potter emo boy when suddenly, I see him! I had gotten my wish! And so yes. That was the night... But my real wish didn't come true, cause the other night, I wished on a star. And I'm sure you can all guess about whom. Anyways, we slept over at Arielles, and Kelly and I fell asleep right when we got back. And she left at 12 today and I went home at 5, after playing Kingdom Hearts and being bums for 5 hours.
I got a new icon for my journal. Everyone stare in wonder. "Oooh. Ahhh..." I got it from this Rilo Kiley fan page, because it was pretty :D So tomorrow night, I might have some people over for a StarWars marathon. And we might make a video as a tribute to Mr. Waugh, with scenes from last year, poorly redone. But it's lameness will only make it more memorable and funny. And I'm going to the movies tomorrow with Mary Wilson to see Scooby Doo 2! Yaaaaaaay! And we get to walk home, because we're bums and yeah, we can't drive. Being 14 is teh sucks. Yes, I said teh. TEH TEH TEH.
I still need a shirt that says, I give free hugs! Because I do. So if you ever need a hug, come find me. I'm never busy, and always hugful. :D I luff yoo all!
NarLyBarbie: my uterus has little spermies in it
NarLyBarbie: lol
EvilGarishFaery: Lol that's always nice to know.
NarLyBarbie: i thought you wud think so
Nicole, you're strange! Jk I luff ya!