My non-myspace blog.

Jan 27, 2006 15:49

So work totally pissed me off. Telling me to go home instead of letting me work through my last week. They can't do that. Though, they said they were still going to pay me. Hmm, somthing doesnt smell too legal here. But alas, i do have a three day weekend. Which so far has gone to waste. I've sat around and watched the x-files all day, oh not just the episodes the movie too. And tonite i plan on going to hollywood video and renting the seasons one by one. So i can watch them in order. Tis going to be lots of fun. I looovee that show. (explanation:still a virgin) ha. anywhoo. i love that word anywhoo. anywhoo. My aunt closed on her house. i guess saturday i'll go see what they're up to. My social life has plumetted to an all record low. :( I need it back, bad. It makes me sad.

On a lighter more un-depressing note (insert happpy thought here).


im bored.

My new job starts monday. Driving to westhiemer in rush hour traffic is soo unapealing to me it's not even funny. Also, i got bored of my myspace back ground so i deleted it. Now i'm having the hardest time ever finding a new pic in order to make my new page layout...Then it struck me, why do we do it? I mean, why bother? Doing all that work just to make a stupid web page look 'pretty'. So people can comment and go OMG, your page is soo cool. Myspace is turning out to be the vain of all existence in young people. Hell, even the older people are getting into it. My cousin's teacher has one. It's crazy. When you're out and you see two people talking and one asks 'so, du u havea myspace?' or on the radio the dj says 'check out my myspace at...' *sigh* Oh, and how the whores do breed on myspace. UGh! I'm soo sick and goddamn tired of getting messages like 'hey hottie. wanna hook up?' or 'wanna suck me' Ok. Yes, i do i wanna go fuck a complete stranger who sent me a message on my myspace, that is sooo how i picture going through life! (note the extreme sarcasm there)

But anywho (hehe, that word again, anywho) i still haven't heard from my hr rep at chase. she's gona piss me off. I need to know that im getting paid even tho they told me to leave. But alas, I'm done here. I'll have to non-neglect my LJ more often. It was nice
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