I stayed home from school today. I babysat/grandmasat yesterday. Accidentally fell asleep. So I'm finishing up my paper on the Crucible and my lab report. Yuck.
Yeah, I did just say I was staying home to do those papers. I'm only taking a break. I swear.
Doug and I broke up (Oct. 28th). And now we're dating again (Nov. 3rd). lol Whatever. I won't question it.
Dude. I have a 100% in my Church History class. And I'm not even Catholic. :) I got into a debate with Kalinowski the other day. He thought I swore at him, and I didn't. So he was in my face screaming at me like I was his 2 year old daughter. Made me tear up pretty badly. I hate authority figures being condescending to me. Especially when I didn't even do anything wrong. We're cool now, though. Cause I apologized. Still think he owes me at least an "I'm sorry (....that I was a prick *cough*)," but whatever.
Carl and I are friends again, I think? That's good. I miss him being my best friend. I'm hooking him and Jordan up. They'd be so cute together.
AMEZ - CALL ME. 313.445.9266
Got in trouble again for staying out til 2am. Didn't mean to, but I fell asleep at Doug's house. I guess I'm getting pretty good at falling asleep at the worst possible times. I don't think I'm grounded anymore? Who knows.
Briana and I are hilarious.
I found some old pics. I MISS DEMON. We barely hang out anymore. I see him after school and that's bout it. :(
Oh and Halloween at Corkey's:
Love Yourself,