Sep 09, 2012 23:40
Ah New York...
So lets assume for a minute that I actually have a chance of getting in, I would not want to go to NYU. Since school is back on, I hung out there for a bit tonight amidst Welcome Freshman! banners and college dive bars. The girls are like cheap barbies with popped collars and gem studded Sidekicks, the guys are loser Weezer wanna-be's also with popped collars who probably all major in Photography because they like "expression". All the dorms look like banks too. This one guy was like..oh maaaaan thats a sick dorm, I hear its for like upperclassmen. What a breakthrough.
I didnt know where to go so I followed the crowds of ppl who seemed to be going all in the same direction....
I ended up at this tavern watching football. The good thing was that it was a sausage fest, the bad thing was that the bartenders were both female, the beer tasted like cheese and i had to pay before i drank (i HATE paying before i drink).
I was happy that there were no creepies out tonight (maybe the annoying freshies scare them away). It was nice not having toothless bums follow you for change. Although I did get to see a 7ft tranny on the subway. No kidding. It was too wierd. Anyway, as I was leaving the subway, i saw this kid, like 14yrs old trying to get through the turnstile..prob didnt have a metrocard. so i decided to be nice and let him use my card. i go over to the kid and i say, are you trying to get through?
Well what the fuck do you know, the kid looks at me and says, I no espeekie english. (!!!!!!!!) I was wtffff!!!?? I thought i was OVER this shit!! haha i was like sorry kid thats too bad.. guess ur stuck in the depths of the new york transit system. have a nice day.
Heading back to my apt, smiling to myself over the englishless situation, i hear someone say excuse me. Not thinking it was for me, i started walking into my building but this old russian guy follows me in. follows me in. my building. like in. my building. im like wtf do you want. he waves his hand and says, do you have girl for sex? do i have girl for sex???????
Im like what the FUCK do i look like to you, asshole?!!? go jack off and get fuck outta my building! I mean seriously, I was wearing jeans, black boots, black tanktop and a cableknit sweater around my shoulders. I looked like i was going to a golf tourny. Maybe hookers look like golfers in russia. I didnt know whether to be insulted or laugh. I laughed. do i have girl for sex? Are you KIDDING me??
Ok I'm done.