Lots of stuff has happened. So here it is!
- Jeremy and I saw "Day After Tomorrow". Jake Gyllanhaal is HOTT. The movie itself was quite good otherwise despite some plot holes. It was a bit scary in a "this could happen" kind of way.
- Possibly inspired by Jake's hottness, we watched "Donnie Darko". I hadn't seen it before although Jeremy has seen it a billion times. It was good. Strange. I'm sure its all been said, but it was certainly interesting. Of course Maggie Gyllanhaal is also HOTT. She and Kirsten = HOTTNESS+++. Hehhee ... its funny how I censor what I write as I write it. I wrote about 10 sentences which I deleted before they even made it to the journal.
- saturday we had a late start. Then we went to Newtown and saw "Supersize Me". It was soooooooooooo gross. But informative! And important I think. One of those things everyone should see. Especially if you are trying to get away from fast food.
- OH we also had burgerlicious but very importantly it was before the movie.
- WE GOT A HOTT CD for my car! It is the "original 80s summer album". it was cheap and it has lots of good bands like MADNESS (!!!!), duran duran, UB40, blondie, billy idol, simple minds, talking heads, debbie harry (strange that they have debbie harry AND blondie), kim wilde, and so on. It is fun. We 80s dance in my car while I drive and we sing. We shall get the whole set of these CDs and they will provide hours of entertainment.
- on sunday we went to the Australian Museum because Jeremy really wanted to see the Graeme Base exhibition. It was fun! We got to read the whole book plus see all the original artwork plus all the alternative covers and things and I can get into the Museum for only $4! Which rocks! Although on the topic of rocks, I forgot how many there are at the Museum and we just skipped that entire level because there were too many. The John Gould stuff was mildly interesting. His poor wife died after giving birth to 8 children while also running around the country drawing birds for him ... he must have been an awful father, the house was always full of bird carcasses. Yuck. And we had fun in the Search & Learn area where a yabby tried to attack Jeremy and we looked at worms and things through microscopes. Lesson: places like the Museum are cheap and culturally important, but most importantly, provide hours of stupid fun.
- the best things about the weekend
1. Jeremy
2. Getting the final book in the Lian Hearn trilogy
3. Boost, Subway, Burgerlicious and Crepes
4. Getting tickets for Harry Potter #3 when it comes out here on Thursday
5. Knowing this week is the final week of classes at uni then all thats left is two exams and one essay
6. Making cupcakes even though they weren't that nice