May 02, 2006 00:21
My bus was a 7am bus from Phnom Penh - that's 7am Asian Punctuality Time, a phenomenon that you really have to get some experience with before you can understand it. The basic rules are:
1. If you get to the bus station at 7, the bus left five minutes ago.
2. If you get to the bus station at 6:55, the bus just left but its first stop is always to get fuel so you can run to the gas station and get on - someone at the bus station can help you out as to which gas station. Buses will never fuel up before picking passengers up, as this reduces transit time and defies logic.
3. If you get to the bus station at 6:30, the bus will be leaving between 8 and 9, but will go to pick someone up who was too lazy to get themselves to the bus station from the outskirts of town (usually the outskirts on the opposite side of town that the bus needs to be heading it), and will run a few errands before actually leaving the town.
Arrived here in Thailand at 11pm. The Thailand leg of the journey was obviously the shorter and better part than the Cambodian leg. The Cambodian legs of journeys are just bad. I think there's a connection between that an the huge number of amputees in that country.
So from Phnom Penh to Poipet (the Cambodian capitol to the Thai border) the bus ride was pretty smooth for a third world country. That did not shit me. What DID shit me was the woman sitting next to me with her kid. People in these countries don't care about touching people, I do. I do not want some kid resting his head on my shoulder while some woman keeps fishing around for something in her pocket, with her arm constantly brushing against me and BOTH their legs up against mine. That wasn't such a big thing. Neither was the air conditioner that wasn't looking too healthy... it was like a hole above my head where there was meant to be a rotating air con outlet, like there normally is. So it was just a hole. Which spewed black ash all over me & in my eyes at various points in the journey.
What REALLY shitted me was when the bus was filled (people were getting off and on at various places) so they put plastic chairs in the aisles, pushing this woman and her kid even MORE up against me. Old women in Laos and Cambodia are completely hopeless when it comes to long-distance travel, it's all pretty new for them. They can be forgiven for that. Years of communist ruling gives people motion sickness.
I mean we know that if you read on a bus or look at the floor or just DONT look at the horizon every now and then, you're likely to get motion sickness. We also know that eating a lot on the bus can do it too. You don't learn this in school, it's just a given. But she was stuffing her face & talking to the woman next to her, and when she vomited the first time, stuffed her face with some more food. And the second time she vomited she FKKIN SPRAYED ME. Bitch.
This happened in Laos as well, except that was a projectile sprayage. She was finishing up spitting out the window after a good vomit session and it got blown back about 10 rows to where I was.