(no subject)

Apr 24, 2004 20:04

Wow, I feel so bad right now. Like depressed outta my mind. I don't want to leave. I just got home from Brianna's b-day party (she's 5!) and now I'm all sad. I mean they have such a family out here, I hate leaving that. I know I get this way everytime but today was horrible. I saw my dad playing with Brianna and all I wanted was to be 5 again and be 'daddie's little girl' and shit.
Then I was playing with Brianna and Hunter and all I could think about was 10 years in the future playing with me and Jon's kids like that. I just wish I was 10 years older or 10 years younger not this horrible in-the-middle age where I can't do anything other than feel like crap and cry and wish for freedom.
I've decided, I want to be a mommie, to the maxx. I want to have 2 or 3 little kids and I want to live in a happy house in some nice city where my kids can grow up healthy little boys and girls without drugs and gangs and all that ghetto shit we get to deal with. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who treats me right and who respects me and loves me and vise-versa. As far as now goes I honestly think that person could be Jon. I really do love him. :-) *sigh*
I just want to get out of this teenager funk and get on with my life. I think Jon and I could really be good parents together, we grew up with great examples of what-not-to-do and now I have this family here which is excatly what-to-do.

Comments are open, but really, what can you say?
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