May 14, 2011 03:03
- 09:42:26: @ ChuckWendig Sharp upstate-NY cheddars, like my favorite Colosse Cheese.
- 09:44:17: Studying up on XML, XSLT and more... had to call home and reminisce about the early days with SGML and HyTime. #familyofinfonerds
- 09:54:33: Mike Rowe Senate Testimony
- 11:33:35: Looks yummy - can't tell, laughing too hard. Vegan Black Metal Chef Episode 1 Pad Thai
- 11:42:02: Pad Thai, with headbanging to summon satan. Cannot emphasize enough: GO WATCH THIS: #fb
- 11:46:29: High schooler challenges Bachmann to debate on U.S. Constitution
- 12:32:59: Still geeking out: hard-coding SVG pictures to transform with XSLT. Hahahaha. #stillnotmybrother
- 15:58:12: Why don't we RIOT IN THE STREETS: The disgraceful interrogation of L.A. school librarians -
- 17:24:08: @ bolthy @scarywhitegirl @NateCrowder @realsg1 @amosbuchanan Writing in the AM? Monkey Grind?
- 17:26:07: RT @lilithsaintcrow: Every writer lives in hope that at least one reader out there will get the message we're sending, clearly and directly.
- 21:03:33: By mine too, love o' mine RT @ podforge Spending time with @torreybird building rockets... Wonderful Fri. night by my standards
- 21:06:56: Making rockets:
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