From Twitter 05-03-2011

May 04, 2011 03:02

  • 07:11:41: Wisdom from a snail: #comic
  • 08:27:14: Heading over to #MSSocialSummit in person - will I see you there?
  • 09:07:49: Will Microsoft unveil integrated, cross-division online strategy... to include FB, twitter, renren, QQ? #mssocialsummit
  • 09:17:13: So true: "Yesterday's best practices are today's myths" - Peter Kim at #MSSocialSummit.
  • 09:19:29: "Fail fast" - you have no clear strategy - quit and give up easy. No flexibility - taking the easy way out! #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:22:52: Consumers are NOT in control -they still want the content they want, and want media to produce it - Marketers are in control #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:24:22: Listening platforms, social media management - LOTS of platforms to help. Confusing to choose! #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:27:04: I'm a big fan of simple graphics, whiteboard-diagram look. Gets the point across, minimum of flash #MSSocialSummit @PeterKim
  • 09:31:52: Connections: why I experience propinquity with @ wsdot and @520_bridge - my commute! #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:34:12: RT @agds: Propinquity in its newest mode @mit: #mssocialsummit Check out the mood meter!
  • 09:34:47: @ EricLigman Seems like a bunch of people didn't want to vote - convo at table indicates 2 #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:36:08: Couldn't find a picture of the General Lee? Really? @ PeterKim :-)
  • 09:38:56: .@ EricLigman A little more social needed on twitter, too! C'mon peeps - what's turning you on/off about this talk? #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:44:11: RT @AlexKepte: another unicorn died...talking about ROI of social media ;) #mssocialsummit
  • 09:47:34: Integrating social media may require a change to organization model: distributed --> centralized #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:48:44: Integrated vision: business needs, means to enact social biz, and stakeholder needs all meet the social business vision #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:48:53: RT @HUnderdown: RT @inkyelbows: Writers: DON’T pin all your hopes on a single book. Know when to move on. - @ victoriastrauss http://bit ...
  • 09:49:55: Fast session, lots of great info - thanks @PeterKim! #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:51:29: @ annhud @terhiannika Agreed - and wish they kept signal/noise in mind when scheduling meetings. #MSSocialSummit
  • 09:55:48: Can anyone tell me: how many separate twitter streams & FB pages, etc., are coming from different places in Microsoft? #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:01:10: How do you separate noisy minority from real trend? Have a crisis mgmt plan, b/c perception is everything. @ PeterKim #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:01:27: RT @thatrobguy: Good question at #MSSocialSummit - how can you tell when it's just a vocal minority? Better answer by @PeterKim: Percept ...
  • 10:05:39: If you build it, they won't necessarily come - you need to tell your customers/fans where to connect #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:10:23: "Traffic to trials" is a measurement that matters #MSSocialSummit from @tomvaughn
  • 10:14:17: Can "Earned Media" be part of a SM metric? RT @ AlexKepte ...get a customer to say something about you... that's earned media #mssocialsummit
  • 10:18:05: .@ TomVaughn answered my #MSSocialSummit Q: How many Microsoft FB brands? More than 200, just in APAC! Wow...
  • 10:19:36: .@ sayhitomel AMEN! And let's coord with CSS properties like @MicrosoftHelps, too!
  • 10:20:38: RT @katlen: AMEN #MSSocialSummit - Let's break silos while we're at it.
  • 10:26:49: We gather feedback on and online help properties - why not direct to/embed Facebook or Twitter commenting? #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:29:52: RT @AlexKepte: 81% of all reviews about major brands are positive #mssocialsummit
  • 10:42:26: @ thatrobguy Looking forward to it - lots of support here!
  • 10:46:32: WOW - sentiment measuring tools are WAY off from each other #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:48:32: RT @katlen: reach, amplification and engagement = influence #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:52:09: Congratulations! RT @sfwa: Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, @NataniaBarron, with a sale to Bull Spec
  • 10:53:19: Remarkable: Including title w/Exec name, including Microsoft instead of just product name shows increased positive sentiment #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:53:48: Are formal product names/titles causing positive sentiment, or indicating it? #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:56:35: .@ agds @dougthomas I doubt 140-chars would increase positive tone; negative words are easy and short. ;-) #MSSocialSummit
  • 10:58:27: Do folks really mean positive "sediment" - some sort of accretion per positive statement? #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:10:24: Agreed: RT @ annhud I think sentiment skews positive onTwitter because it's very public and not anonymous like YouTube #mssocialsummit
  • 11:16:13: With #socialmedia, we're inventing a new marketing practice and behavior #MSSocialSummit - Brian Ellefritz
  • 11:17:18: HA! So does something else... RT @ sistawendy Positive sediment makes plants grow. #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:22:38: I find Partner/community hub most interesting: audience engage, community presence, content curation, nurturing #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:23:18: RT @annhud: @ BrianEllefritz breezed through the fluff, dwelled on meat, and is now opening it up early for questions. Awesome. #mssocial ...
  • 11:30:46: .@ ajoyk Set the numbers in context - not commentary, but story to create well understood metrics #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:33:20: @ agds @brianellefritz #infographic isn't common? Heck, I have one on my resume - and mention the skill specifically.
  • 11:34:15: @ ajoyk @katlen Agreed - the story needs at least a plot, if not a "moral" #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:36:41: Strategists annointed across groups at SAP to be champions for social media - great strategy to break silos! #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:45:58: Spending his books on his values :-) RT@ scalzi Donated the 2nd hardcover of Fuzzy Nation to the library. The 1st goes to the Missus.
  • 11:47:43: Next up: Frank Shaw, VP Corp Comm at @Microsoft. #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:48:32: Is it just me, or is that pic creeeeepy when wall-sized? #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:53:19: Cautionary tale- Reminder that 2nd life didn't take off, but Twitter did - @ fxshaw #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:53:58: @ dianego @acloke Absolutely - would like to see more Softies use comms strategically - internal & external. #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:56:26: Who here can tweet Microsoft's all-up corp story - 140 chars? #MSSocialSummit
  • 11:59:15: RT @EricLigman: "Lots of gr8 stuff now & coming!" :-) RT @torreybird: Who here can tweet Microsoft's all-up corp story - 140 chars? #MSS ...
  • 12:00:24: My try on MS's all up story: "We make the tech that helps you play, work, do, find, see, learn, enjoy." #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:02:47: .@ acloke Agreed - blog is better, but tweet should be *possible* - core q: what's our consistent consumer brand? #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:09:21: RT @godsdog: Here at the #MSSocialSummit the conversation is fascinating. My simple rule of social media for companies: Tell the story o ...
  • 12:09:57: @ BrianEllefritz Thanks for coming & for changing your plans! Very helpful. #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:36:27: Too bad Big Fuel is up against the long lines for lunch. #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:51:23: Reach, traction levers, content, & engagement/action: BigFuel's 4 bases for metrics #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:54:09: @ CupcakeGoth Insomnia fairy stopped off at my house, too - woke me up around 12:45 am. That little jerk.
  • 12:55:50: @ historyneverwas @DDSyrdal @NateCrowder @BeritEllingsen ...and sentient fungus and worms are why I love my twitter stream and friends. :-)
  • 12:57:48: Cost per fan * social to commerce lead ratio = social media ROI #anotherdeadunicorn #MSSocialSummit
  • 12:58:54: .@ katlen wouldn't it be [cost of engagement]/[number of fans]= cost per fan? #MSSocialSummit
  • 13:08:41: @ CupcakeGoth Uuughghh. Hang in there today. :-(
  • 13:18:19: Thought I had enough battery; clearly over-tweeting the #MSSocialSummit. Will be slower (from phone) after now...
  • 13:27:41: RT @annhud: The consumer is a channel. Plan your media spend accordingly. #madmen avatar creator example from @ ischafer #mssocialsummit
  • 13:31:02: Reverse engineer success by creating engagement archetypes -@ ischafer #MSSocialSummit
  • 13:36:07: Global community management is key. -@Ischafer
  • 13:39:51: RT @sumtxkid: "Nothing drives engagement in social media like CONTENT "via @ ISchafer #MSSocialSummit
  • 13:41:31: @ sistawendy I'm in a conference w/920 marketers = Yes.
  • 13:47:21: @ sistawendy I'm escaping now - already ran out of battery. Will continue from my desk... :-)
  • 14:08:30: @ NateCrowder burger on thurs?
  • 14:17:13: LinkedIn member 28,000,733 :-) RT @ sayhitomel I was #24,962,346 to join LinkedIn. (Hint: Find # in your profile URL) #MSsocialsummit
  • 14:31:20: @ ElizabethBastos Extra luck!
  • 14:32:29: RT @ebertchicago: Donald Trump: "There is nobody who is less of a racist than Donald Trump." Me: "Pete Seeger."
  • 14:53:39: RT @ninjaharlot: "Design for mobile first, then port to web to keep it simple" Good idea! #MSsocialsummit
  • 14:57:22: Still feel like Monday to you? Re-sharing: Wisdom from a snail #comic
  • 14:59:45: .@ halvorson Love #contentstrategyprom - the Kid's highschool #prom is coming up. Will you wear a sparkly princess dress too? Tiara?
  • 15:02:58: @ jodijodijodi @sarm34 Apostrophes and they're/their/there are two of my grammar-correction stickers :-)
  • 15:18:16: RT @sumtxkid: "Social Design is putting customers at the center of your business" via @ KellyStonelake #MsSocialsummit #takenotes
  • 18:26:43: The Kid picked up her graduation gown! #aaawww #sogrownup #fb
  • 18:27:23: @ ChuckWendig Please, no pictures. ::shudder::

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