Nov 16, 2005 19:47
What are my dreams? Or what do I dream about? Well my dreams are to get settled back on Earth with my husband and our beautiful daughter, in a nice house, close my parents-in-law. I have requested that Starfleet Academy transfer me to the Academy as a teacher of engineering, they have approved my application and I begin in the fall.
I just want to grow old happily, with no Borg, no Hirogen and no 8472, no Delta Quadrant, and no surprises, just plain, simple, regular every day life. Maybe have another child or two and spend my spare time telling stories of the Delta Quadrant to kids and grandkids.
As for what I dream about, well that’s a whole other story; I’ve been having some very strange dreams about little elf like creatures racing Tom and Harry in the flyer down a rainbow! I think Neelix put something in the stew cause Chakotay had similar strange dreams a few days ago, only his involved canoes and dragons of some description!
Tom’s home for dinner so I must dash!