Mar 21, 2009 17:09
There I knew we'd be alright
Everything will be alright.
So I've decided to take a small break from all the stuff that I should be doing to relax. I have to say that things are going great right now and I'm much happier than I have been in a while - which is saying something, because I haven't been depressed. It just seems that things have all been going really well. I have a great job that I enjoy going to, Travis and I are getting along, the boys are adorable, the weather is gorgeous, I went on a great hike this morning, etc. I've had fun hanging out with my friends and working on the house. I get to start planning our landscaping which I want to start really soon. I'm excited! Travis is going to Korea in August and I'll be staying here. He's excited to get to a different post and I'm happy that he has somewhere interesting to go. Plus we'll have an amazing vacation when I go to visit him. We'll be better off financially, we get to keep the house, don't have to worry about what to do with the dogs, and while I'll miss him I know we'll be able to do it. Oh and I get to get hour long massages and Travis signed up for a chiropractor and did a family plan. Apparently they've had some success with MS patients in stopping the disease so yay! Between all the exercise, medicine, eating better and theraputic stuff I'm doing good. :)