Who: Blain & Lacey
Where: Their respective places
When: Tuesday Afternoon
What: Phone Call
Status: Closed
Blain: Hello?
Lacey: Blain...It's Lacey.
Blain: Hey Lacey, how are you doing today? I was just thinking about you...
Lacey: Um...I've been better, actually...I have some news to share with you...
Blain: Really? What's wrong? Are you okay? Wait.. news? Okay.. share...
Lacey: You should be sitting down...if you're not...
Blain: Alright... I'll go and take a seat. Okay.. I'm sitting...
Lacey: I'm...pregnant...
Blain: ... Wow. Okay... I see why you told me to be sitting. Well, when did you find out? Do you need anything?
Lacey: I found out yesterday...and I don't need anything that I don't already have, but thanks...
Blain: Okay.. well... give me an hour and I'll come and see you...
Lacey: Blain...
Blain: Yes?
Lacey: It might not be yours...
Blain: What? Are you serious?
Lacey: I wouldn't joke about something like this.
Blain: I didn't think you would, I was just a bit taken back by what you said. Well...
Lacey: I'm sorry...
Blain: No! Don't be sorry
Blain: It's okay...
Lacey: It doesn't feel like it's okay.
Blain: Lacey...
Lacey: what?
Blain: I like you, a lot. That's why I asked you to be with me.
Lacey: But this changes things, Blain...and I understand if you change your mind about being with me.
Blain: I'm not going anywhere
Blain: I told you, back when we started going out... that I wanted to be the one to help you pick up the pieces... I'm serious about that.
Lacey: Well, this is an entirely different piece...I'd feel terrible that if you stuck around through all this, and the child not be yours
Blain: But the child could be mine, right?
Lacey: It could be...
Lacey: But nothings certain...the best and safest test is until after the baby is born...
Blain: I'm not going to leave you, Lacey. Please don't feel bad, we'll see how things go, and when the baby is born and we find out for certain, we'll make that next decision. How does that sound?
Lacey: I guess that's all we can do...but..what if it's not yours? What then?
Lacey: I don't want you feeling obligated to stay with me because I may have your child.
Blain: ...
Blain: Lacey,
Blain: I'm not one of those guys, I really hope you see that. I want to be with you, because I like you.
Lacey: I'm sorry...I'm just worried...
Blain: Please don't worry... it's not healthy for you, and it's not healthy for the baby
Lacey: I wish it was that easy...
Blain: I know... well I don't know, but you get what I'm saying...
Lacey: Yes, I do...
Blain: Are you home?
Lacey: Yeah...
Blain: You're sure you don't need anything? I mean, I could come by.. you know.. just to be there for you...
Lacey: It's up to you...Blain.
Blain: Would you like me to come down?
Lacey: It's up to you. I'm fine either way...I guess.
Blain: Well give me an hour, and I will be up there. I've got to finish up things here, and I'll stop and grab some food for us. How does Chinese sound?
Lacey: Sounds fine...guess, I'll have to get somewhat decent.
Blain: Okay.. you can wear whatever you want to.
Lacey: THanks...but I look like I rolled out of bed...and was hit by a truck
Lacey: See you soon...
Blain: I'll see you soon... bye.