Who: EVERYONE What: Open Mic Night has returned! Where: Torrent When: Wednesday evening Why: The record is having it's grand reopening and Bella's celebrating
Anne got closer to Bella, already holding a glass of wine. "You know you're amazing, right?" She said, smiling sweetly. The brunette always got impressed by Bella's performances, no matter how many times she had heard her sing or play. She was sure her friend would hit it big one day. "I did think about bringing a poster written "BELLA I LOVE YOU" or something like that, but then I remembered you'd probably die of embarassement, so I changed my mind." Anne teased, laughing softly.
"I'm really glad you didn't go with that, I would have died," She laughed as she ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't used to having so many fans of her music, so it was fun to talk to them all after the show. But the idea of someone holding up a sign declaring their love for her always made her feel weird, like that couldn't possibly ever happen to her.
Bella was a sweetheart - it was like she couldn't imagine herself going up, which was adorable. Anne smiled broadly. "Yep, that's what I imagined. But I still haven't given up the idea of a shirt that says "I'm in love with the DJ" or "I'm in love with the singer". I remember a friend of mine used to do that to embarrass her friends. It worked quite well." She teased. "Oh, by the way, can I get you something, dear?"
"Oh god, that would be terribly embarrassing," She admitted with a blush, extremely glad that no one had a t-shirt like that to wear around her. She wouldn't know what she would do, "And I'm fine. I've got my bottle of water. Thank you though dear. How have you been?"
"I'm fine. Just hanging out, reading a lot, trying to get to know the city. Mainly searching for something to do, chilling out before going back to New York." Anne explained and sipped her wine. "I've been practically living here the last couple days. It's much more pleasant than my loft sometimes." She smiled sweetly.
Bella listened intently and nodded with a smile, "I understand how that goes. I spend far too much time here than I do at my own apartment. So are you looking forward to going home for a little while?"
"Oh, I'm always going there. I actually had to stay a few more days to solve some business, but I think everything will turn out okay. I don't know what I'll do afterwards, though." Anne thought for a second. "Probably New York and then somewhere else. Or maybe a car trip inside the States. I have traveled very little inside Washington, for an instance. What about you?"
"Ah, that does sound like fun. Car trips are a lot of fun, you should definitely do that. Go on down to Oregon or California, you'd enjoy it," She smiled and nodded, "Me? I'm doing well, just working. The remodel upstairs is great, so make sure you stop up there."
"Yep. I'll call a couple friends and see if they agree. Group trips are always made of fun. I'll have your suggestion in mind, of course. I do need a new tan." Anne agreed. California was a great idea. "Upstairs? Woman, you're tried already to make me go bankrupt and it didn't work. But I guess I haven't spent a fortune on CDs for a long time." She joked and took another sip. "I promise I'll take a look."
"Oh man, I should get out to tan as well. I'm so pale it's kind of disgusting," She laughed as she looked at her pale arms and then gave Anne a shocked look, "What? Hey! We're running a sale if you buy stuff upstairs you get a discount on food and drinks down here. So you might do well to partake in that."
Anne laughed. "Yes, and I do miss the beach. I like to think my pale skin is a charm, though." She said lightly. "I know, I know, dear. I was just teasing." She winked at Bella and sipped her wine. "Buying from you is always a pleasure, and I'm really glad you're going back to music."
"Well, thank you very much. I got into a little groove writing songs, I think it was just the excitement to come out here and play tonight," She smiled at her, it was nice that Anne was so supportive of the stuff she was doing and always interested.
"That's good." Anne stated, happy to see Bella getting back on her feet. She knew it was a good sign when an artist went back to her art. "I take Open Mic Nights are back with full force, then?"
Anne laughed softly. "Okay, that is reassuring enough." She finished her drink and looked around, searching for a waitress or a waiter. "Wait a sec, honey, I'll get myself something more to drink." Squeezing briefly Bella's shoulder, she went to the balcony to get another glass of wine.
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