Who: Marlee Pen and Anne Porter
What: Baking Lessons
Where: Marlee's Loft
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Why: Because Baking is Awesome.
Marlee had spent most of the morning perusing the many cook books that littered her apartment, trying to decide what she should teach Anne to cook. When she'd eventually decided on some sort of cookie, she'd started puttering around the kitchen, making sure she had everything that they would need for baking. She found herself humming a silly jingle that she'd loved as a child, and couldn't seem to get the smile off of her face.
Her hair was pulled back in her usual gracefully up do, save for that stubborn piece that always insisted on falling in her face. She was wearing a simple white wife beater and breezy skirt, making her feel like she should be on a beach somewhere, and not in the North West during a surprisingly cold February.