I'm so disappointed with myself here *cries* Today was my day off and i promised myself to update this blog but yet i overslept (like, over overslept), who knew i had it in me to sleep 18 hours u_u My day off in so so long, yet i slept through it *cries more* While sleeping i was dreaming that i was updating the blog and all, too bad it was just what it was: a dream.
So, to forgive myself i am updating it now!! Yes, i know it's late considering it's 3.13am right now and i have to go to college within a couple of hours, then work for my short friday shift, then home to cook my mother's fave meal, then my restraurant job, THEN i can rest and make up for the day.
For those who just want the Yaoi Goodies, check my recent entries and you shall see it (you won't be able to view it in your Friend's page since i disabled a function. You have to go to my journal to view it).
This post here is not only cry and whine about my stupidity and oversleeping, i will be answering some people's question that was asked via Email, post, PM. Here goes *deep breath in*
Q: Where do you download all these Yaoi goodies??!!
A: *shrugs* it's easy since Yaoi is becoming more popular. Yaoi is practically lying everywhere in the world of web. But to be honest, i don't even know myself. I just download with a click and there i go. Livejournal, blogs, forums, download sites, etc. Believe me, it's everywhere. I can't remember where i went to download the yaoi when my computer crashed last year, but the new released files are everywhere--- that is why i don't share new released manga, since anyone and everyone can find it lying around. It's the old yet so classic release that need to be spread around more.
Q: Just how many manga do you have?
A: For Shoujo and Shounen-- i lost count. Too many to keep track and i just burn them out into a disc and delete them right away. It's the Yaoi that i keep in my external harddrive. For Yaoi-- Too many that i haven't even read half of them. I just checked and here's what i have on my drive:
- For Scanlated Yaoi Manga: 66.3 Gbs. (gee, i was expecting a higher number but *shrugs* still good, ne?)
- For Liscensed Manga: 15.9 Gbs
- Doujinshis (English): Can't find out since it's unorganized.
- For Yaoi Artbooks: 2.86 Gbs (Shoujo artbook is 3.36 Gbs)
- In real life, Liscensed Yaoi Manga: 26. Yaoi Novels: All Yaoi Novels up to date (OTRFKs, Cold Sleep, Don't worry Mama, etc.)
Q: How do you sort your manga out? And how you rename it?
A: For Yaoi manga, i sort it out into alpabetic order. #-C, D-H, I-K, L-O, P-S, T-Z, Fushichou, Nakama, Liscensed, Doujinshis English, Doujinshis RAWs, Yaoi Artbooks, and New Releases (The place where new release go to to get unzipped, renamed, paired up, make new folder for (if is new manga), then get placed into another folder called "Update Release", where it awaits the right time to be placed into the Alpabetic folder section or the "Seperate Section" (Nakama, Liscensed, etc.). It may sound like alot of work, but there's more that may take too long to explain ^^' But it's worth it, you know?
I rename the files commonly:
[Manga title]_([Alternate name if any, or Mangaka if special])_[chapter]_[Group][Catergory or status]
Catergory (at the end of rename) -- is [O] for oneshot. [L] for liscensed. [Os] for collection of oneshots, more that not so important.
Status - [C] for complete. If no status record means ongoing.
Dear Myself_ch2_[SiH] (This is a chapter file)
Dear Myself [StormInHeaven][C] (Main folder)
Empty heart [Hochuuami][C]
Mitsumete Itai (I'llBeWatchingYou)(Nishida Higashi)[HalfBaked][Os]
Slave_of_Love_(NaonoBohra)[Datenshi Blue][O]
Your Honest Deceit (Kimi no Tsuku Uso to Hontou)[L]
Q: Can you PLEASE update more?
A: Gomen. Maybe in the near future. I used to update weekly, sometimes twice a week, but i need money and it's Strawberry season-- so my parents need me at farm as well. My college work are a pain in the a*s (and my group have some uncooperative people who just ditch class and make us work their part. grrrr). As much as i love to, Yaoi must come later (though buying Yaoi goodies comes anytime). ^u^ Oh, where was i...yeah, so for now i can't.
Q: The manga you upload, do you plan to upload the chapter when it is release. Like for example, Organic Son has only 1 chapter, if in near future Fushichou release chapter 2 will you be uploading it?
A: Maybe. But not now. I mean, i'm too busy and since the chapter is a new release it should be easy to obtain. Many people in the web love to share new releases. I'm sorry if this is a down side for you guys.
Q: Do you share everything? Even manga that should not be shared?
A yaoi fan must do what she/he feels right. I just love Yaoi and love to share. What must be done, must.
Q: I don't/can't download from Megaupload, Mediafire, HyperUpload and many other sites. HELP!!!
A: I upload the files into 2 ways. 1 with the Whole volume in a zip, and 1 with the chapters in many zips (So "Volume zip" and "Chapter zip"). The Volume zip is MAINLY upload to MediaFire, WiiUpload, Turboupload. Chapter zips are with FileSend and Savefile. You have more than 1 link to download from. And if you still can't download from all the provided links, just contact me and i'll help!!
Q: I don't like you and what you are doing!!
A: And that's fine.