Date: October 06, 2009 5:14 pm.
Weather: Overcast and rainy
Temperature: Lower 70's
Mood: Indescriptive, a mixture of loneliness and apathy
The power of a symbol is only as potent as that which is associated with it; however it is hard to really determine that considering that any one symbol can take on so many different meanings. This is true whether be a symbol in a dream, artwork, a poem or novel; even in such thing as tarot and divination. What invokes one image and reaction from one will do so differently for another; and given the surrounding and time of the symbol it can even take on an entirely different meaning for that single person. If you really want to see try a simple exercise before you go any further.
Stop right now and get a pen or pencil and write “Rose” on a sheet off paper. For approximately the next three minutes write down every single thought that enters your head as you contemplate roses or the word “Rose”. Use word association, memories, your sense impressions. Write as quickly as possible. Include any and every thought, even those about the exercise itself. All thoughts are important and must be captures. If images come to mind, capture them in short word pictures. For the time being do not worry about spelling, punctuation, or even grammar. Simply record what ever comes to mind as it does, since it is in a way the beginning of a new journey.
For those who are curious, when I did this exercise this is what I wound up with: Please note that punctuation and everything aside from spelling has been left exactly as it was written down.
Red rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. Romance and love reflected in silken petals. A gentle soft and caring touch filled with warmth. The thorns that prick at a finger, and trying to untangle a balloon from a knockout rose bush. The annoyance that someone would have left it there tied to a sign where it would be able to get tangled in the first place. Emotions which seem to flow freely in a form of expression and elegance that composes in itself, the embodiment of them. Formalities, preparations for a ball and evening of dance. The pain of being rejected or having the heart betrayed as a rose falls to the ground. An open grave where a rose is tossed in, my grandfather's grave and not knowing how or what to feel as I watched it fall. Death, uncertainty, unexpected change. An elegance tempered with coldness and distance from others and the world. Reckless abandon, the foolishness of Romeo and Juliet, purity, naivety. Dark crimsons, mixed with sorrowful blues, yellow sun and white. Happiness mixed with passion, sorrow and mourning mixed with heartbreak.
Do you see how differently the interpretation of a single image changed so drastically within five minutes. A rose which on first impression usually evokes thoughts of love and romance can in turn be a symbol of heartbreak or death. Though it can also symbolize innocence and purity similar to a young maidens, or the cold fickle heart of those who hold no passion for the world. We all have certain memories and experiences within our lives that cause us to place our own meaning into it. When a poet writes a poem, they write it based on their own life and the images that they use are those that evoke certain emotions and feelings from them. However, when another reads that same poem they do not read what the poet but rather what they themselves project and envision based off of those symbols. Another can be seen in simple words.
Did you read it a tear (teer) an expression of emotion as it slips away from your eyes, or did you read it as tear (tare) the ripping and shredding sensation. Looking at it could you tell which I was thinking of? We have a tendency to read our own lives, our own desires, dreams, or fears into anything and everything that we are interpreting. Rather than taking a poem or a pictures for what it seems at first look at it from several different points of view, initial impressions may often be correct but there may be more to it another interpretation of a symbol which lends itself to deeper meaning; like a rose.
Some would say that the best way would be look at it rationally, and all of us are familiar with the rational-logical way of thinking. It is the method of thoughts we are taught in school, and rational and logical thinking is what is encouraged by society throughout our lives. Intuitive thinking is based on “in-sight”, the acceptance of an innate harmony in the universe and a meaningful connection between the past, present and future, between ourselves and everything that exists. While rational thought and logical reasoning have their advantages and work for dealing with a large portion of everyday life, there are certain things which fall short and can not be decided upon back on rationality and logic. After all which was it 'teer' or 'tare'? To fully understand life, and to fully understand any symbol, dream, vision, or even person we have to learn to facilitate the use of both intuitive and analytical thinking in a balanced and harmonious way.
Keep that in mind the next time that you write something, go to read a poem, look at a picture, or even try to figure out what exactly that dream you had last night could mean.