Your result for The Official Myers-Briggs Personality Test...
1 Extraversion, 20 Introversion, 6 Sensing, 20 Intuition, 21 Thinking, 3 Feeling, 18 Judging and 4 Perceiving!
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking
Approximately 2.1% of persons in the United States are INTJs.
Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance--for themselves and others.
At Their Best
People with INTJ preferences have a clear vision of future possibilities coupled with the drive and organization to implement their ideas. They love complex challenges and readily synthesize complicated theoretical and abstract matters. Once they have created their general structure, they devise strategies to achieve their goals. Their global thinking leads them to develop visionary goals and a broad - brush plan for achieving these within large organizational structures.
INTJs value knowledge and expect competence of them- selves and others. They especially abhor confusion, mess, and inefficiency.
Characteristics of INTJs
INTJs see things from a global perspective and quickly relate new information to overall patterns. They trust their insightful connections regardless of established authority or popular opinions. Dull routine smothers their creativity. INTJs use their Intuition primarily internally, where they develop complex structures and pictures of the future. They are likely to be
· Insightful, creative synthesizers
· Conceptual, long-range thinkers
INTJs use their thinking to make logical decisions. They assess everything with a critical eye, quickly identify problems to solve, and are tough and decisive when the situation calls for toughness. INTJs tend to be
· Clear and concise
· Rational, detached, and objectively critical
INTJs are excellent long-range planners and often rise to positions of leadership in groups or organizations. They are independent, trust their own perceptions and judgments more than those of others, and apply their high standards of knowledge and competence most rigorously to themselves.
How Others May See Them
INTJs present a calm, decisive, and assured face to the world, though they may find it difficult to engage in social conversation. They usually don't directly express their most valued and valuable part: their creative insights. Instead, they translate them into logical decisions, opinions, and plans, which they often express clearly. Because of this, others sometimes experience INTJs as intractable, much to the surprise of the INTJ, who is very willing to change an opinion when new evidence emerges. Others usually see INTJs as
· Private, reserved, hard to know, even aloof
· Conceptual, original, and independent
Potential Areas for Growth
Sometimes life circumstances have not supported INTJs in the development and expression of their Thinking and Intuitive preferences.
· If they have not developed their Thinking, INTJs may not have reliable ways to translate their valuable insights into achievable realities.
· If they have not developed their Intuition, they may not take in enough information or take in only that information that fits their insights. Then they may make ill - founded decisions based on limited or idiosyncratic information.
If INTJs do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may
· Become aloof and abrupt, not giving enough information about their internal processing.
· Be critical of those who do not see their vision quickly
· Become single-minded and unyielding in pursuing it
It is natural for INTJs to give less attention to their non- preferred Sensing and Feeling parts. If they neglect these too much, however, they may
· Overlook details or facts that do not fit into their Intuitive patterns
· Engage in "intellectual games," quibbling over abstract issues and terms that have little meaning or relevance to others
· Not give enough weight to the impacts of their decisions on individuals
· Fail to give as much praise or intimate connection as others desire
Under great stress, INTJs can overindulge in Sensing activities watching TV reruns, playing cards, overeating or become overly focused on specific details in their environment that they normally do not notice or usually see as unimportant (housecleaning, organizing cupboards).
There you go! For even more information about the Myers-Briggs Type Index, you should visit