Open Book~

Jul 21, 2011 03:08

I've been writing letters recently. The last few days I've written five letters to be sent out tomorrow or Friday, depending on which day I get to the post office, one for each address that I have from finally unpacking the last of the boxes from moving and finding all the letters that I've recieved in the last few years; which came to a whopping 13 things. Though for those who haven't yet, please do go back to the little black book entry where I asked for contact info that I lost. Some of your numbers and information I was able to save from past phone bills but not everyones. ^^; Tomorrow will most likely involve finally hanging the artwork around the apartment and getting rid of the last of the 'give aways' including another two bags of clothes and old computer desk.

But for the point of this entry at the ungodly hour of 3:03 in the morning. Since everyone seems to need a break and since I want to break from writing, despite having two or three poems still in the revision process, and feel like taking a day off from RP I've decided to do something I haven't with this journal. So let's make a game of it, ask me anything. Rather ask me everything~

Consider this an opportunity to ask anything and everything you can think of, all questions will receive a response. Or if you can't think of anything to ask, just say something or spam me. Have an icon to share, I'd love to see it~ Wonderful idea for a poem? I'm all ears. Funny story? Share away! Need to get something off your chest, go right ahead. Have no clue who I am? Consider this an invitation. Though it is going to remain open for now until someone requests it to be locked to friends only.

Hopefully between this and redoing everything else with the journal and getting ready for classes I'll have enough to stay busy. After all I still don't have television and the cable for the ps2 (which acts as my dvd player) is currently MIA.
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