Excolo: a post-apocalyptic roleplaying game
here So. As some of you may know, I play in a game called Excolo. It's an LJ RP; people comment back-and-forth in-character, and interactions play out, and somehow or other three years pass and it's still going. :) It started out due to BPAL fandom, of all things; people picked a scent they liked and used it as the inspiration for a character or a personality. (BPAL is not actually required to play.)
Character applications are
open again, and if you'd like to take a look... well, we're bouncy and tend to babble, but the comm's generally quite friendly. And most people playing haven't ever done it before, so it's not as if there's a high experience threshold required. :D
(This post has been
crossposted from DreamWidth)