Meme: Icon Meme

Dec 10, 2009 18:11

Bored and bedridden today, so snagged a meme from oddmonster, who chose the following five for my turn.

1. Reply to this post saying "ME! ME! ME!", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.


SUQ! This is from the cover of the third book of Secret of The Unicorn Queen series, "The Final Test". The shiney bits were added by me, though. ::G:: Sel got me hooked on these books and into the fandom (small though we are). The unicorns don't shine in the books (nor do they shit rainbows), but I still felt Morning Star and Quiet Storm both deserved a little sparkle. I believe this was the first SUQ icon I made, or maybe the second.


I made this one right at the start of S2. Sheppard was just so excited about his premotion, I just had to icon. I don't use it much anymore, though, and I have a bunch of other SGA icons, so I may retire it soon. But I do have a soft spot for it. I love Snarkey!John, he makes such a good match for Snarkey!Rodney.


I find I use both this, and my QI Facepalm icons a lot in comments. I made them probably two or maybe three yearsago or so, shortly after I got addicted to QI. There's just something that perfectly sums up how rediculas or irritating something has to be to make even Stephen Fry faceplam or headesk! I'm really happy with this one turned out, expeicaly, as I made it on a crap program, that only did a few incredibly basic things, like blur and sharpen and only had like 30 fonts to chose from, all predating '98 or so. ::chuckles::

ETA For Odd: QI is a British "Quiz Show" hosted by Stephen Fry (and kinda co-hosted by Alan Davies). Points are given on how intresting an awnswer is, more then if it's right, and points taken away for awnsers which are "comon knowedge" and wrong. Basicly, anyone who likes cleaver thinking, improv, or Trivia? It's awsome. And Stephen Fry is just, well... It's Stephen Fry!


There's a reason why we won DS_Match 2008: Reality vs Whimsy, and I stand by my argument that it's becaused we had rocking icons! ::LOL:: Okay, so we also had incredible writers, and an entire team of kick ass wemen, but so did Team Reality! So in the end, I think it was the icons that were the tie braker... ::G::

ETA For Odd: DS_Match 2008 was the dueSouth Match last year, with the two teams being Whimsy (::raises arms in victory::) vs Reality. And it was awsome. All the fics can be found over on the ds_flashfiction comm under the DS Match 2 tag.


I've thought about switching this one out, to one that includes the !!!! of the drink name, but I do still like the simplicity of this one. And come on, it's The Middle Man (and someone tell me I'm not the only person who thinks those words complete with the few notes of theme museic attached to the charactor and the sound effects? Every time??) "saying" the name of an energy drink that has no letters...or words...only exclamation points? ::laughs:: Everyone stomping and throwing their hands into the air and makeing suprise faces may be my favorate running gag of the entire sereis.

ETA For Odd: The Middleman was (is?) a comic book series, which got picked up for one season on ABCFamily lasting 13 episodes. The 14th episode, which got cut before they could film it, was then turned into another comic book to wrap it up. The show? ROCKED! I rec it to EVERYONE!

You know how in comic books, there are all those evil geniuses and manmen trying to destory the world? That really happens. It's this guy's job to stop them.

Who is he?

He's The Middleman.

Who's up next? Come on, people, these memes won't snag themselves!

lj, friends, icons, meme

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