End Of The Year Writing Meme

Dec 30, 2008 17:59

So once again I've written far more then I expected to (twenty full fics, three drabbles), and the vast majority of it towords the end of the year. It's odd, I never had Seasonal Writing Dissorder before, but it seems I've contracted Joan's case. Weird. But I'm willing to go with it.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with my fics this year. I'm kinda bumbed I didn't get any SUQ posted, despite having stuff finished. At least I have the first and/or second drafts done, but not nessicarly the betawork. I have at least one, maybe two fics in the Broken Truth series that's selynne's done a beta on, but I haven't gone though and fixed yet. Not sure why, just haven't. I should, I know, sorry, fandom.

I've also entered four new fandoms, OMG. Go figure. I'm usualy a One Fandom At A Time girl, but all my new fandoms are pretty small, so it's hard to be OTF when you can go though all the fics in a week with time left over for boredom.

So, with little further adu, I give to you my End Of The Year Writing Meme! As I've been saying, I'm only including fics I've actualy posted this year. So I do technicaly have a few more finished, but they're not posted, so not being counted here.

Die Hard:
Tin Man:
Due South:
RANDOM: Hypothetical AU Meme Drabbles (http://torra.livejournal.com/62649.html)

My best story(ies) of this year: Judging purely by the feedback, I'd say "Chances And Choices", my DSSS Fic, "Potatoes: Thanksgiving In Three Acts", and possibly "Self-Inflicted".

My favourite story of this year: Hmm, once again, not sure about one favorite one, but I am really happy with a few, including "Happy Birthday, Q", "The Day Before The Morning Of", "Self-Inflicted", and "Chances And Choices". All three are ones I've gone back and re-read myself, just because I still liked the story, and wanted the images back in my head again.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Hate to say it, but "Soul To Keep", from DS_Match. But I think a lot of that is how the match aired. The Backup Writers kinda got a short end of a stick at posting, which they didn't last year, and didn't in other fandom matches. It wasn't handled badly, but compared to how it was handled the year before, none of the backup writers got the kinds of feedback that the others did when things were still anonymous. When the backups were posted during the same blackout as the other authors, responses and feedback remained about even with the rest of the stories, because no one wanted to miss something that was possibly done by afavorite or famous author. But when they know it's just us, there's no push, and they're already tired of reading, so they don't seem to bother. I'veactually had people say this when I asked about it. I was curious. I love the feedback I got, but I think we kinda got gypped there at the very end. Still had a blast, though, and I'd do it again in a heart beat, but...yeah, kinda a let down as a way to end it. I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining, even though I sorta guess I am, but it's still sorta bothering me, Isuppose . I'm used to running in small fandoms, getting two or three replies of a post is a great amount! It's cool and a great ego boost to get more, but I'm happy in small fandoms, where you get just a few heart felt and thought out replies, then a bunch of "this was fun" or "good, thanks" that don't seem to mean a lot.

Okay, I'm done, back to happy introspection. Feel free to ignore all that.

Most fun story to write: "Self-Inflicted" was a blast, that was popped into my head pretty much fully formed, and I loved it. Also, "Great To See You (Now Go Away)" was fun, because IZuse and McClane are two characters where I don't have to constantly censor my language. They both cuss a blue streak, and writing them together, I getta do the same. I kinda liked writing "Self-Inflicted" for the same reason. I swear like a sailor, and in around 14 languages, so it's rare that I get a character who can keep up with me. ::G::

Sexiest story: Probably "Study Night"? I don't write a lot of sex scenes, but I do think they turned out pretty well, considering they were two 16 year old kids getting it on for the first time. Though "Debts" came out pretty well, I am happy with the sex in that (it is apornlet, after all). You know, second thought, I think I'd put "Debts" before "Study Night".

Story with the single sexiest moment: Hm, really not sure. I think I'd have to leave that up to my readers. "Debts", maybe? Hot Demon/Monk Sex?

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: ::snort:: Awwww, I don't think I have anything that can top my SUQ fic last year with Mr. Pointy. Oh! No, wait, I take it back. I did write that "The Bachelor AU Where They're All Lesbians" for the Hypothetical AU Meme. Yeah, I think that fits the bill nicely. ::snickers::

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: "Chances And Choices", definitely. That's really stuck with me, and how I view both Cody and Nick.

Hardest story to write: "The Sophisticate" was hard in that I had to take a couple of stabs at it to get the voices down right, it was the first Riptide idea I ever got. "Chances And Choices" was hard to write from an emotional standpoint, bit of an emotionalrollercoaster for me while writing it.

Biggest Disappointment: You know, it's been a pretty good year, writing wise, I don't have any fics that I'm really not happy with upon posting. I don't really like "So We Might As Well Live" as a title for the fic, but I really struggled with titling that one, and it doesn't effect how I feel about the fic itself. I do think I could have done better with theDS _Match fic given more time, I think it could have really benefited from being two or three times longer, and if I'd really had time to play it all out, to watch Fraser going though all the work, not just him thinking about how he had done it all. But there just isn't time to really do an Epic inDS _Match, and even if there had been, I'm not sure I'd have had the stamina for it. So in the end, I'm happy with what I have, even if I do think I could have done more in a perfect world. ::shrugs::

Biggest Surprise: Probably the CSU series, again. And for the same reasons. Though "And We Might As Well Live", too, because I never thought I'd be in the NCIS Fandom.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I left this one blank a few times in order to come back to it later, and I really had to think about it. In the end, I don't think any of my fics were really that telling, though perhaps "Chances And Choices", because I don't give it an outright happy ending. Not every relationship starts off great, and just because someone says "I Love You", doesn't make everything perfect and happily ever after. It ends on a hopeful, positive note, but they still have a lot of issues to work though (which may get addressed in the sequel if it ever gets finished to my satisfaction). And possibly "Father's Day" for the same reason.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? More, definitely, definitely more then I expected to write! And I am very thankful for every word I got out, too.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2007? ::snorts:: Anything I wrote in either DH4 and Riptide! ::LOL:: Riptide, because I hadn't even heard of it, and DH4, because really, who ever could have predicted writing DIE HARD fanfic! ::LOL::

Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them? The CSU series in Riptide, definitely. I normally am not into reading Underage fics as a genera, so writing it really took me by surprise. I'm not against Underage (though I am Underage when it involves someone above the age of consent having sex with an underage kid, but both parties underage isn't so bad), but it's not really my thing, either. Defiantly a risk, both for my own writing, and for the fandom. The fandom doesn't seem to do a lot ofAUs (unlike SGA or DS), and I haven't seen any other Underage fics, though I also haven't read a lot of Riptdie fics yet, as I'm still going though the eps and wanna avoid spoilers.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? More Podficing. I only recorded one fic, "Happy Birthday, Q" (http://torra.livejournal.com/44704.html), though I did do three lines for the Podfic of Doom for general_jinjur that dodificus put together for her. And I recorded three poems as my thanks to the mods of DS_Match. And I am proud of helping to run podfic_tips, because \o/ podfic_tips \o/ But I do wanna do more actual recording next year.

I'd like to thank the academy... (Thanks to your betas, frequent commenter's/supporters, the people who stayed up with you late on IM...)
I've never had so many betas as I have this year who were perfect strangers. I entered a lot of new fandoms, fandoms in which I knew absolutely no one, so when I finished writing my fics, I had to go into forums and beg for someone to take pity on me and help a person out. And I met some wonderful people this way! People who had never met me before, let alone read my previous stuff, they didn't know if I'd be utter crap, or something salvageable, or how much work my Dyslexia would be for them to sort though, and yet they stepped up and did whatever they had to to whip my stuff into shape. And I can never thank them enough.

tin man, fandom, yay!, fic, meme, whoo hoo!, my opinions, i made this, dsss, due south, suq, ncis, riptide, lj, writing, ds_match

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