Jul 03, 2007 23:45
Okay, so I'm down with a migrane which meens I wasn't able to go up to the Guild meeting I was suposed to teach at tonight, which meens there's $50 I won't have to add to my Laptop fund for a few more months. So I went ahead and slid into an open spot in my doc's schedaul before he closes for vacation to refill my meds for Thrusday.
Turns out, a colgague of his just got 30 years in perison for drug trafficing. Not because he was a dealer, but because he medicated cronic pain clients (like me) and the Feds don't like that. Now, even my doc addmited it was mostly because the guy kept god awful records that the charges were able to stick, but because of that, MY doctor has to change everything. ::sighs::
So now I had to A) Sign a pain contract, B) Take a Drug UA, and C) I now have to go in every three weeks to refill my meds and bring my last week's worth of meds in as proof that I still have them, then my doctor will give me a post dated script for me to fill the *next* week.
Which is...GAH! Crap! Just...god, to add annoyance ontop of annoyance, ya know? Sometimes I *do* take more of my meds earler in the month to deal with an imideat problem, like my how my jaw has been acting up. I know that I can afford to do this, because I was always able to get my meds a few days early to make up for it. My doctors always alowed for this because so much of my pain is migraitory. But now, I can't do that anymore. I HAVE to have all seven days worth on hand to show as proof that I'n not using for plesure or selling off for cash.
Not that it matters that I know more about the street value of my curent medications then my doctor does. I told him about how my Clonodine is now controled because users are cutting it with low grade heroin to get a better high. Clonodie is used, in many cases, to help get people off drugs, and he wasn't even aware it's now being used by addicts to better their own addictions. ::sighs:: Quite honestly, he was floored. He actualy put his head in his hands.
Talk about byond annoying. ::sighs:: This truly sucks.
ETA: Oh, and D) I can only get my meds (all my meds) from one pharmacy. I don't meen, like, just Wallgreesn, I meen one location of Wallgreens. I chose the 24 Hour one over on the West Side. It's further away from the one in Lacey, but 24 hours. ::sighs:: Again with the Suckey. He did say if I had to, he might make exceptions occationaly, as long as I stay within the Wallgreen's system, but only if there's no choice.
pissed off