Arrr, ta start wi't, I missed Talk Like A Pirate Day due to a long voyage with preshus little sleep, yar. So ta make up for miss'n this fine, pirate filled bliss on tha first year I actualy have me a blog, I shall make up for it by announc'n ta'day be'n "Talk Like A Hungover Pirate Day"! So Arrrrr, and arrrrr-me head......
Okay, and I'm done with that for now. ::shrugs:: Pirates were never really my thing. Sinbad was about as close to a Pirate Fan as I ever got, and really, I just liked pushing him overboard and having Dermott divebomb him when he pissed off Maeve. ::G:: (And wow, AoS refrence, don't see many of those anymore!)
Okay, so...the news. I'll start with :
The Good: Geoff's out of his back brace! I know, it floored me, too. He had some time to kill here in town last week so came to hang here, and I went to give him a hug and my hands did not hit hard plastic like I was expecting. He was pretty giddy about it, I could tell, but the way he acted, it's like the doctors forced him to wear it weeks longer then he needed. ::eyeroll:: His story is the doctors said he'd need to wear it for 6 weeks to 2 months, depending on how fast he healed. The story I got from every other family member who spoke to the doctor was that he'd need to wear it at least 23 Hours a day for the next three months or become a quadraplegic. For those of you playing along at home, he wore it for five weeks, starting from when he got out of ICU. ::eyeroll::
But he is showing incredible improvement, I will admit. He regained a new 300% improvement in range of motion in his left arm in three days. (The left side was the most badly damadged.) So we'll see, he seems to be doing incredibly fucking well and far better then he has any fucking right to expect. So hopefuly this'll contenue despite his driving around town, not takeing his meds, and already looking for a new job. ::sighs::
The Neither Good Nor Bad:
Things You Do Not Want To Hear In Your Doctors Office:
1) "Where do we keep the manuals? (ha ha ha)"
2) "How do you do...oh never mind, I'll figure it out..."
3) "Ooops!"
So I went in for my usual round of med refills (gotta go in each month and get a new script for my pain meds, they don't do automatic refills on those) and also to see if there's any news on why I'm so tired and falling asleep so randomly. The good news on my blood work is...everything is fine. I'm either in the "good" on almost every test, or excatly in the middle of the "fine" area on the others. Even my Iron was 105, which is exactly in the middle range. Nothing was in the red or "bad" or even "suspishus". ::sighs:: This also meens, however, we're back to square one and have no clue why I'm so tired. I also re-lost two of those pounds I worked so hard to gain back (yes, yes, I know, you all hate me, boo-hoo ;-p), so I'm once again 8lbs underweight, meening it's back to the god damned Rice Crispie Treats. ::headesk::
Since I'm still having troubble with my ankle (though finaly off the cane, thank god, my hand was killing me, almost more then my leg!) he desided he wanted to take a set of films (X-Rays to you non-cronic-illness people reading this). I did the whole rutine of difrent angles and hold still (not easy for a Tourrettic ::sighs::), and the final verdict is : No brke. ::eyeroll:: Yah, thanks, doc, it's not like I didn't figure that out myself three weeks ago. ::shakes head:: He thinks I just strained and possibly bursed the ligiments that connect my foot to my leg bone....and now I'm gunna get that blasted song stuck in my head. ::sighs:: Oh well, at least I know the actual history of that song, and what it really meens and it's much cooler that way. ::g::
The Bad: ::sighs:: We were trying to keep quiet about it, but news kinda leeks out when yer not sure know does and does not know, even Krista was talking about it in front of Joan when we were all up there, forgeting that, officaly, Joan isn't suposed to know. Of course she did know, but Krista didn't know that. So I think a few of you know, but some of you may not here...
Krista lost the baby.
To be exact, the baby never formed. At 9weeks (last week) they did all the bloodwork and tests and everything said she was pregent. She was even having all of the classic phyical signs of pregnancy (though I think a lot of them were pscyosmatic, which she's prone to but won't admit), but this week they did an ultrasound, and found that while the womb was preped and the body was thinking it was pregnet, the egg never fixed and the fitus never formed. So basicly her body thought it was pregnet, but there was no baby.
Mom said she sounded okay when she told her on the phone last night, but I don't think Krista really has felt it yet. She kept saying not to get our hopes up and not to tell anyone 'til she was past the 12 Week "Safe" Mark, but she was the first one to start going on about plans and everything, and forgetting who did and did not know. ::sighs:: Obviously, since this was Krista's first pregnancy, she's never had a misscarrage before, but mom has, as have a lot of our family friends. They all tell people it dosn't hit you right away. ::sighs::
I'm halfway done with the babyblanket I was makeing for her, but now I think I'll give it to dad's friend Rick and his wife (forget her name). They just gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. I really don't think Krista will want this one when she tries again (she saw me working on it and wanted to take me yarn shopping to pick out more stuff to make for her.... so glad I didn't do that with her now)
Arrrr, so that be me news. Good, Bad, and Eh... Ahn' maybe next yeeeer, I'll be awake e'nuff ta enjoy the day as it dawns, 'stead of the hangover of too much grog the next morn. I be off now, ta partake of the dog and bite it back (or something). Avast and away, ye scervy scoundrals.
ETA: Bonus Good News: My New Mic Arived! I was waiting to record
mmmchelle's new fic 'til I got it. I'm still getting some feedback, but the voice is so much clearer, that it's not so bothersome, at least not to me. Now I've gotta deside if I wanna re-record the RR I am almost finished recording. I've gotta re-do chapter 5 anyhow...hum. Either way, Chelle's first. Yay! I am so frick'n excited about recording this. It'll be my first shot at recording A) A long fic, B) and SGA fic, and C) A fic with a mostly male cast. ::crossing fingers I don't royaly fuck it up:: ::pets new mic::