The above is a direct Mom quote, post Devorce. \o/ She used the word twice. I think she's officaly gunna be okay. \o/
However..that of course, never makes it more then five minutes before the /o\ sets in again. Joe is comeing over on Sunday. And I'm gunna have to talk to him becasue that asshat needs a smackdown after something he accused mom of that I can't say without flocking this 'coz Family reads it. But it was despicable, and brought Me into it, and I need to smack him down for it.
But! ::points above:: Liberation! YAY!! That is VERY much of the good.
And today, I won a copy of "Tongue Of Serpents" by
naominovik (and that other name she goes by ::G::)! A couple of weeks ago, I got a copy of book one in the same contest to send up to
skyebanshee, but long enough had passed that I just assumed that I didn't win any of the autographed book fives! But I did, it just got here late. hehehe It's doubbly awesome 'coz I was too sick to go up to Seattle to go to her book signing yesterday!
So \o/ and /o\ and back to \o/, with the A Very Potter Sequel in between (which was AWESOME...well, Joan was falling asleep, so we'll watch Part 2 acts 5-14 in the morning, but so far it's been \m/ totaly awesome \m/).
Anyhow, that's all, I just wanted to update ya'all and thank everyone for their good thoughts for Mom yesterday. I think she's gunna be okay, but we'll see on Sunday after the Joe showdown. Wish ME luck on that one. I'm gunna need it. It's...not gunna be pretty. ::settles down to pet "Tongues Of Sperpents" and imagine how AVPS ends::