A Journal of Two Writers - Travel - and Edits!

Jan 22, 2015 08:55

While it was cold and snowy last week in Chicago, I went to Nevada to visit my coauthor, Rachel Wilder, to write and edit and, most of all, to hike.  We had awesome weather.  It was chilly for Las Vegas, only 60F, but for me it was paradise - I'd left -5F behind.

Ironically, I got on the plane and it was about 47F outside in Nevada; when I got home to Chicago it was 48F.  It was colder in the dessert than here.  That's actually less unusual than it sounds.  The nights in a dessert get very cold because there's nothing to hold the heat in the air.  We had a forty-degree spread between the day and night temperatures - even went down to 27F at night one of the nights.  Color me surprised.

I even made a new boyfriend.  At least, I think it's a boy.  Why do birds stalk me?  One of my other vacations, I was bit by a chicken.  Everyone kept saying, oh, Noony, you big baby, it's just a chicken.

They're carniverous, did you know that?

This one even brought his wingman.

We used to have Canada geese migrate through Chicago during winter.  They stay here, now, because of all the golf courses and stuff.  Golfers get really pissed off, too, because goose poop is large, green, and viscous - it sticks to golf shoes.

Me, I think that's precious.  Golf is the Irish revenge for the Scottish telling them the bagpipe is a musical instrument.

One of our projects last week was to pick out cover art ideas for the forthcoming Emerald Keep.  I'm so excited.  The art is more Rachel's department than mine, since she's the designer.  She works outside of writing as an Image Consultant and specializes in foundation garments (what those of us not in the know call lingere or underwear, who knew?), especially for woman who have had partial or total mastectomies.  I keep telling her she should switch to design more fully, but she does good work for a lot of people.  :)  (Isn't it funny how sometimes our day jobs don't resemble our artistic passions, but work out to be rewarding in their own right? -says the insurance professional.  Anyway, I digress.)

We start edits at the end of this week, so things are starting to gear up.  Our release date is April 8th, and I've got an awesome blog book tour planned called the Keepsake Tour - complete with keepsakes to win like a handknit Emerald Keep scarf by yours truly, hand-done calligraphy bookmarks, maybe even some candles or a Rachel Wilder crochet'd scarf.  We're still thinking up ideas for things to feature.

Rachel left the holiday lights up for me.  I adore lights.  She asked me at one point if I'd taken down our trees, and nope!  Still haven't.  Yes, I know it's the 22nd.  Sue me.  I adore trees.  I might leave the scrawny one up and make it a Valentine's Day tree.  If I do, I'll take pics and share them with you, so you can share in the glory.

'Cuz there will be glory.

But first, Dear Reader, tell me:  if you could have anything you wanted as a giveaway, what would you want to be included?  Now, I know a lot of us would say a million dollars, but I ask you to really think about what you'd like from, say, the Keepsake Tour (see where I'm going with this?).  Would you like something handmade?  A gift card?  Name the next character after you?
And keep your eyes peeled.  The Keepsake Tour starts March 8th and Emerald Keep is out on April 8th.  Happy reading!


“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
- E.E. Cummings

The Persis Chronicles:
**Coming Soon!** Watch for EMERALD KEEP from Torquere Books, out April 2015!
Check out EMERALD FIRE, available from Torquere Books.
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rachel wilder, a. catherine noon

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