
Sep 09, 2009 18:17

Even though it's a couple of months ago now, thanks a lot to all the well wishers before/after my surgery! :) Fortunately it all went really well, and amazingly, I had absolutely no pain at all throughout the entire recovery! O_o I expected to be stuck in bed and immobile for weeks after the surgery, but I was actually up and about literally 2-3 hours after the operation. XD
I still ended up spending about 6 weeks staying at my parent's place though, just in case there were any complications later down the line, but it was all fine.
Ugh... It looked -gross- though. I ended up with a large, open hole in my lower back which was easily big enough to fit a ping pong ball into. X3 Though now, there's just a nice big scar instead, which isn't quite as disgusting. :P

After staying at my parent's place for a while, I finally moved into my new place, along with one of my previous house mates and his girlfriend. This place is soooo much better than our old house, and a lot cheaper, so I'm loving it here so far! I've got the attic room to myself, which is the largest room, and it has an awesome view over the city, so I'm definitely happy about that. <3

The only downsides at the moment are that my housemates are working full time at the moment, and aren't back until about 5:30pm each day, then they usually go to bed insanely early most nights, and since they're a couple, I like to give them plenty of time to themselves. The result of this is that I'm on my own for about 22 hours a day most days, which does get preeeeetty dull.

I'm also -completely- broke at the moment, to the point where I'm having to borrow rent money from my housemate, and from my parents, yet I can still barely afford food. I'm pretty much at the point where I daren't leave the house, in case I end up spending anything.
Once my student loan finally comes through later this month I should be alright, but until then, I'm beyond broke. X3 heh

In more recent news, I'm currently recovering from a 15+ mile long hike that I did on monday with a local fur. X3 It was good fun, if a little painful, but the views were definitely rewarding in places! :)
The fur I went with seemed to have a pretty different idea of hiking than I did, since he led me through quite a bit of terrain I wouldn't normally even think about trying to get through. XD We spent about 2 hours pushing our way through dense, neck high ferns and bracken, then spent ages climbing up an insanely steep, rocky, and preeeeetty tall hill (must have been about 80 degrees in places) where just one slip or stumble would have probably resulted in either death of horrible injury. X3 I was physically shaking by the time we got to the top. XD;;
I'm glad I did it, though if we went again, I'd definitely make sure we avoid those routes, since it was waaaay out of my comfort zone. XP
My legs are still achy and stiff afterwards, but it'll probably go away soon!

At the moment, I'm just lazing and enjoying the last of the summer break before Uni gets going again, with a bit of job hunting inbetween (Though that's pretty hopeless at the moment :P ). I'm kinda looking forward to getting back to Uni, though I'm sure i'll be complaining about the workload within the first week. XD

One more thing!

Birthday tomorrow!
Woo! :D

See ya later, take care!

birthday update hiking surgery success h

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