It seems to me that
This woman picked up an article I wrote 12 years ago, explaining how the postal vote system was being abused, and it did follow that with many non-english speaking residents here, and these were the people who trust their church and other church members to translate and fill in forms for them, there's certainly scope for voting fraud as there's a high chance (One of their own) is also a member of same church. and as 3 MP's got caught for it in this very town at last election (same happenned in previous one, but they did not get caught) isn't it about time we were given a better voting system?
I spotted this 15 years+ ago, hell even had a chat with as many MP's and candidates as I could before Giving up on the idea of a fair election system in this country.
Then of course, How to... a computerised voting system isn't the way to go (yet) as the software can't easily be checked by your average official, so many methods of switching software for the tests as opposed to the real counts too, so what can we do?