Nov 24, 2006 09:26
sooo busy, no time to update. oh wait, i lied. i can't update because the fucking internet in the dorm hasn't been working for how long? FOREVER. and i had a paper due like 2 1/2 weeks ago.. but it sucked so i asked for more time to fix it, she said yes and asked that i email it to her. i just got online to email it to her and the webmail is down, again. awesome. i hope she doesn't think i blew it off in favor of shopping and plurging on crap. which in about an hour i will, in fact, ignore the paper and go spend more money than i have and fill up my credit card with crap.
i am probably the most materialistic person i have ever met. but, inspite of that, i have aqcuired a bloodsail buccaneers crew member shirt. which makes me especially happy.
for christmas i am buying corey a wii. but i have to wait until i start working at meijer again in 3 weeks. i can use my employee discount and santa bucks. the wii will only be $200, i can afford some games as well. and maybe an extra wiimote(?).